The Value of "This" Within the Handler Using Addeventlistener

The value of this within the handler using addEventListener

You need to "bind" handler to your instance.

var _this = this;
function onClickBound(e) {, e || window.event);
if (cell1.addEventListener) {
cell1.addEventListener("click", onClickBound, false);
else if (cell1.attachEvent) {
cell1.attachEvent("onclick", onClickBound);

Note that event handler here normalizes event object (passed as a first argument) and invokes handleCellClick in a proper context (i.e. referring to an element that was attached event listener to).

Also note that context normalization here (i.e. setting proper this in event handler) creates a circular reference between function used as event handler (onClickBound) and an element object (cell1). In some versions of IE (6 and 7) this can, and probably will, result in a memory leak. This leak in essence is browser failing to release memory on page refresh due to circular reference existing between native and host object.

To circumvent it, you would need to either a) drop this normalization; b) employ alternative (and more complex) normalization strategy; c) "clean up" existing event listeners on page unload, i.e. by using removeEventListener, detachEvent and elements nulling (which unfortunately would render browsers' fast history navigation useless).

You could also find a JS library that takes care of this. Most of them (e.g.: jQuery, Prototype.js, YUI, etc.) usually handle cleanups as described in (c).

this keyword inside addEventListener callback

While we know that event listeners are executed with 'this' set to the event target, the below lines of code inside the EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent method in the EventTarget link that you found will answer your question as to how it is implemented.

for (var i = 0, l = stack.length; i < l; i++) {
stack[i].call(this, event);

The 'stack' array has the callback functions and they are invoked using .call by passing in the event target instance (this) and event as arguments.

What is this refer to in JavaScript?

Functions can be given a different this scope to what would be the default. You can do this yourself with the apply method. (Edit: as @pilchard pointed out below, this doesn't apply to arrow functions, which inherit the parent scope.) In event listeners, the this refers to the element the event listener was applied to (currentTarget).


How to return value from addEventListener

Where you have the comment, you will never be able to access the variables, the event has not occurred yet.

Instead, what you can do is pass an anonymous function to the event handler, call your method which returns a value and use it as appropriate

function init()
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", function(event){
var result = getPosition(event);

// result is your return value
}, false);


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