Setting Multiple Attributes for an Element at Once with JavaScript

Setting multiple attributes for an element at once with JavaScript

You could make a helper function:

function setAttributes(el, attrs) {
for(var key in attrs) {
el.setAttribute(key, attrs[key]);

Call it like this:

setAttributes(elem, {"src": "", "height": "100%", ...});

How to set multiple attributes on the same element

If you only use setAttribute for styling, you could fix it like this:

function setAttribute(element, key, value) {[key] = value

setAttribute(document.body, "backgroundColor", "red")

Note that you need to use the javascript version of styling (backgroundColor instead of background-color).

Setting multiple attributes for an element

Use 'html' in your comparison. Also pass this context in recursiveSet function to refer this to div element. this always refers to the “owner” of the function we're executing. If there is no owner, it will refer to the window..

Try this:

var manipulateAttributes = function(attr, element) {  var recursiveSet = function(at, set) {    for (var prop in at) {      /* check if object and not a dom node or array */      if (typeof at[prop] == 'object' && at[prop].dataset == null && at[prop][0] == null) {        recursiveSet(at[prop], set [prop]);      } else if (prop == 'html') {        this.innerHTML = at[prop];      } else {        set [prop] = at[prop];      }    }  }.bind(element);  recursiveSet(attr, element);}var test = document.getElementById("test");
manipulateAttributes({ html: 'hellop', style: { background: "lightGreen", color: "blue", width: "100px" }, className: "testclass", onclick: function(e) { alert("the test div has been clicked and its width is: " +; }}, test);
.testclass {  font-size: 32px;  font-weight: bold;  cursor: pointer;}
<div id="test" style="width:200px;height:200px;background:#000;color:#fff;">Test</div>

Set multiple attributes for an HTML element using jQuery?

$('img').attr({'src':'', 'height':'100%', 'width':'100%'});

$('img') <= coresponding HTML element which you want to set the attributes

'htmlAttributeName': 'attributeValue',
'anotherHtmlAttributeName': 'attributeValue',

Can you set multiple attributes with the DOM's setAttribute function?

Yes, You can do using Jquery.

"data-test-1": num1,
"data-test-2": num2

Trying to set multiple Attributes at the same time

Kind of hard to understand what you're asking but.. it's something like the following snip? What I don't understand is why you're trying to create a new Element..

Element.prototype.setAttributes = function (attrs) {    for (var idx in attrs) {        if ((idx === 'styles' || idx === 'style') && typeof attrs[idx] === 'object') {            for (var prop in attrs[idx]){[prop] = attrs[idx][prop];}        } else if (idx === 'html') {            this.innerHTML = attrs[idx];        } else {            this.setAttribute(idx, attrs[idx]);        }    }};
Element.prototype.inputSet = function(ids, classs, types, placeholders){ // just like your "setAttributes" method... use the This to set the attributes return this.setAttributes({ 'id' : `${ids}`, 'class' : `${classs}`, 'type' : `${types}`, 'placeholder' : `${placeholders}` }); };document.querySelector('#sample').inputSet('abc', 'for');
.for { border:1px solid red; width:100px; height: 100px;}
<div id="sample"></div>

How do I add multiple atrributes to an element in JavaScript?

There isn't any javascript method to do it, but you can convert your string to array and call setAttribute on the target element on every iterate of the array. like this:

let el = document.getElementById("targetId")  
let attrs = ' min="0" step="5" max="100" '.trim().replace(/\"/g,"").split(" ")
attrs.forEach(attr => {
const [key,value] = attr.split('=');

How to set multiple attributes with one value function?

UPDATE (July 8th 2016) This answer applies to d3 v3.x — NOT v4.x. For the latter version, see Tim Hayes's answer, also on this page. Or... just swap attr with attrs in my answer below, and don't forget to require/import/script-embed d3-selection-multi. And... don't miss the bit about using .each, which may be useful to you.

Yeah, it's possible by passing in a hash (like jQuery's css() method):'body').append('svg').selectAll('circle')
cx: function (d) { return d.x; },
cy: function (d) { return d.y; },
r: function (d) { return d.r; }

This works for style() as well.

If the reoccurring function (d) {} start to feel like too much, this is another approach:'body').append('svg').selectAll('circle')
.each(function (d) {{
cx: d.x,
cy: d.y,
r: d.r

NOTE: this feature only exists in d3.js v2.10.0 or higher

set multi attributes at once without jquery

Sure, you could use a loop.

function setAttributes(el, attrs) {
Object.keys(attrs).forEach(function (attr) {
el.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]);

var aTag = document.createElement('a');

setAttributes(aTag, {
href: oUrl,
rel: "test",
target: "_blank"

Group multiple attributes based on category JAVASCRIPT. Works for one but not all attributes

You could group by category and take out the values for adding to an array.

var json = '[{"category":"Messaging","data":[7433],"backgroundColor":"rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)","borderColor":"rgba(255,99,132,1)","borderWidth":2},{"category":"Price Promo","data":[774],"backgroundColor":"rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)","borderColor":"rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)","borderWidth":2},{"category":"Usability","data":[5993],"backgroundColor":"rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)","borderColor":"rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)","borderWidth":2},{"category":"Messaging","data":[7624],"backgroundColor":"rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)","borderColor":"rgba(255,99,132,1)","borderWidth":2},{"category":"Price Promo","data":[900],"backgroundColor":"rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)","borderColor":"rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)","borderWidth":2},{"category":"Usability","data":[5865],"backgroundColor":"rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)","borderColor":"rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)","borderWidth":2},{"category":"Messaging","data":[7161],"backgroundColor":"rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)","borderColor":"rgba(255,99,132,1)","borderWidth":2},{"category":"Price Promo","data":[1005],"backgroundColor":"rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)","borderColor":"rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)","borderWidth":2},{"category":"Usability","data":[5940],"backgroundColor":"rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)","borderColor":"rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)","borderWidth":2}]',    result = Object.values(JSON        .parse(json)        .reduce((r, { category, borderWidth, ...o }) => {            r[o.category] = r[o.category] || { category, data: [], backgroundColor: [], borderColor: [], borderWidth };            Object.entries(o).forEach(([k, v]) => r[o.category][k] = (r[o.category][k] || []).concat(v));            return r;        }, {}));

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