Remove All White Spaces from Text

Remove ALL white spaces from text

You have to tell replace() to repeat the regex:

.replace(/ /g,'')

The g character makes it a "global" match, meaning it repeats the search through the entire string. Read about this, and other RegEx modifiers available in JavaScript here.

If you want to match all whitespace, and not just the literal space character, use \s instead:


You can also use .replaceAll if you're using a sufficiently recent version of JavaScript, but there's not really any reason to for your specific use case, since catching all whitespace requires a regex, and when using a regex with .replaceAll, it must be global, so you just end up with extra typing:


How can I remove all spaces from file in Notepad++?

To delete all spaces in the file, replace ' +' with '' (quotes only for demonstration, please remove them). You need to have the checkbox "Regular expression" checked.

To remove all spaces and tabs, replace '[ \t]+' with '' (remove quotes).

This works for big files, too, where the solution of @Learner will be tiresome.

How to remove all whitespace from a string?

In general, we want a solution that is vectorised, so here's a better test example:

whitespace <- " \t\n\r\v\f" # space, tab, newline, 
# carriage return, vertical tab, form feed
x <- c(
" x y ", # spaces before, after and in between
" \u2190 \u2192 ", # contains unicode chars
paste0( # varied whitespace
collapse = ""
NA # missing
## [1] " x y "
## [2] " ← → "
## [3] " \t\n\r\v\fx \t\n\r\v\fy \t\n\r\v\f"
## [4] NA

The base R approach: gsub

gsub replaces all instances of a string (fixed = TRUE) or regular expression (fixed = FALSE, the default) with another string. To remove all spaces, use:

gsub(" ", "", x, fixed = TRUE)
## [1] "xy" "←→"
## [3] "\t\n\r\v\fx\t\n\r\v\fy\t\n\r\v\f" NA

As DWin noted, in this case fixed = TRUE isn't necessary but provides slightly better performance since matching a fixed string is faster than matching a regular expression.

If you want to remove all types of whitespace, use:

gsub("[[:space:]]", "", x) # note the double square brackets
## [1] "xy" "←→" "xy" NA

gsub("\\s", "", x) # same; note the double backslash

gsub(space(), "", x) # same

"[:space:]" is an R-specific regular expression group matching all space characters. \s is a language-independent regular-expression that does the same thing.

The stringr approach: str_replace_all and str_trim

stringr provides more human-readable wrappers around the base R functions (though as of Dec 2014, the development version has a branch built on top of stringi, mentioned below). The equivalents of the above commands, using [str_replace_all][3], are:

str_replace_all(x, fixed(" "), "")
str_replace_all(x, space(), "")

stringr also has a str_trim function which removes only leading and trailing whitespace.

## [1] "x y" "← →" "x \t\n\r\v\fy" NA
str_trim(x, "left")
## [1] "x y " "← → "
## [3] "x \t\n\r\v\fy \t\n\r\v\f" NA
str_trim(x, "right")
## [1] " x y" " ← →"
## [3] " \t\n\r\v\fx \t\n\r\v\fy" NA

The stringi approach: stri_replace_all_charclass and stri_trim

stringi is built upon the platform-independent ICU library, and has an extensive set of string manipulation functions. The equivalents of the above are:

stri_replace_all_fixed(x, " ", "")
stri_replace_all_charclass(x, "\\p{WHITE_SPACE}", "")

Here "\\p{WHITE_SPACE}" is an alternate syntax for the set of Unicode code points considered to be whitespace, equivalent to "[[:space:]]", "\\s" and space(). For more complex regular expression replacements, there is also stri_replace_all_regex.

stringi also has trim functions.

stri_trim_both(x) # same
stri_trim(x, "left")
stri_trim_left(x) # same
stri_trim(x, "right")
stri_trim_right(x) # same

Remove all whitespace in a string

If you want to remove leading and ending spaces, use str.strip():

>>> "  hello  apple  ".strip()
'hello apple'

If you want to remove all space characters, use str.replace() (NB this only removes the “normal” ASCII space character ' ' U+0020 but not any other whitespace):

>>> "  hello  apple  ".replace(" ", "")

If you want to remove duplicated spaces, use str.split() followed by str.join():

>>> " ".join("  hello  apple  ".split())
'hello apple'

How do i remove all white spaces from a string?

Try this :

   images= images.Replace(" ", String.Empty);

Bash - How to remove all white spaces from a given text file?

$ man tr
tr - translate or delete characters

tr [OPTION]... SET1 [SET2]

Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters from standard
input, writing to standard output.

In order to wipe all whitespace including newlines you can try:

cat file.txt | tr -d " \t\n\r" 

You can also use the character classes defined by tr (credits to htompkins comment):

cat file.txt | tr -d "[:space:]"

For example, in order to wipe just horizontal white space:

cat file.txt | tr -d "[:blank:]"

Batch: remove all white spaces from a text file?

!line:~1! removes the first character. What you want to do is removing every space, so use string substitution:

!line: =!

(replace space with nothing)

if there are TABs too, use another !line: =! (that's a TAB, not spaces)

Remove all white space from string JavaScript

Use this:

str.replace(/\s+/g, '');

Instead of this:


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