React-Router - Pass Props to Handler Component

react-router - pass props to handler component


Since new release, it's possible to pass props directly via the Route component, without using a Wrapper. For example, by using render prop.


class Greeting extends React.Component {
render() {
const {text, match: {params}} = this.props;

const {name} = params;

return (
<h1>Greeting page</h1>
{text} {name}


<Route path="/greeting/:name" render={(props) => <Greeting text="Hello, " {...props} />} />

Codesandbox Example


My preferred way is wrap the Comments component and pass the wrapper as a route handler.

This is your example with changes applied:

var Dashboard = require('./Dashboard');
var Comments = require('./Comments');

var CommentsWrapper = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return (
<Comments myprop="myvalue"/>

var Index = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return (
<header>Some header</header>

var routes = (
<Route path="/" handler={Index}>
<Route path="comments" handler={CommentsWrapper}/>
<DefaultRoute handler={Dashboard}/>
);, function (Handler) {
React.render(<Handler/>, document.body);

How to pass props within components with react-router v6

When you send state in the route transition it isn't sent via props, but rather it's sent via the routing context. In the EditUser component you can access the sent route state via the location object returned from the useLocation hook.


import { useLocation } from 'react-router-dom';


const location = useLocation();
const { state } = location;
const { user } = state || {};

React router v6 access route params and pass as props

I don't want to put useParams() in the component because this
tightly couples it to the URL. For example, what if I wanted to render
another ProfileComponent elsewhere, with a different username to that
in the URL. It seems to violate best practice for unit testing unless
I can do it like my example.

Any route using a username route match param would still be accessible via the useParams hook, but I think I understand what you are after. If I understand your question correctly you are asking how to map a route match param to a component prop in a generic way.

For this you can simply use a wrapper component to "sip" the route match param and pass it along to your component on any specific prop.

const ProfileComponentWrapper = () => {
const { username } = useParams();
return <ProfileComponent username={username} />;


element={<ProfileComponentWrapper />}

How to pass props to Route component?

The solution is already in your code, the props may vary a little bit, depending on your requirements

render={props => <Dashboard isActive={isActive} handleClick={handleClick} {...props} />} />

Can't figure out how to pass props to components when using React Router v5 and Redux

To pass your props to your component use render prop, also you should change your routes to start with /movies, otherwise, your components will not work.

function Movies() {
return (
render={() => (
<MediaGridContainer class_name="movies" scope="popular" />

render={() => (
<MediaGridContainer class_name="movies" scope="trending" />

render={() => (
<MediaGridContainer class_name="movies" scope="disliked" />

Passing props from outlet to parent using React Router 6

You can't pass props, per se, but you can provide a context value to the Outlet that App is rendering that the routed components can access via the useOutletContext hook.


const AppLayout = () => {
const [title, setTitle] = useState("");

return (
<h1>App: {title}</h1>
<Outlet context={{ setTitle }} /> // <-- provide context value

const BleTable = ({ title }) => {
const { setTitle } = useOutletContext(); // <-- access context value

return (
<button type="button" onClick={() => setTitle(title)}>Update App Title</button>


<Route path="/" element={<AppLayout />}>
<Route path="ble" element={<BleTable title="Bluetooth" />} />
<Route path="create-user" element={<UserForm/>}/>

Edit passing-props-from-outlet-to-parent-using-react-router-6

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