React Hooks Usestate() with Object

React Hooks useState() with Object

You can pass new value like this:

  setExampleState({...exampleState,  masterField2: {
fieldOne: "a",
fieldTwo: {
fieldTwoOne: "b",
fieldTwoTwo: "c"

Best practice for React useState with objects?

You could do that, but it's not what the official React docs do or recommend. It's still a working and valid approach.

If you find yourself using a state object because there's a lot of state, or managing interactions gets complicated, it might be a good time to consider using a reducer with useReducer. You can move the boilerplate and logic out of the immediate call-site and better retain overview over the relationship between properties of you state object. With a reducer you‘d just write dispatch({ type: "SET_NAME", name: "Daniel" }).

Having all the code that modifies your state in one place (the reducer) allows you to better reason over actions such as resetting the state.

The dispatch function returned by useReducer is also stable and well suited to be passed to child components, making it easier to refactor your component into smaller ones.

How do I update 2 objects with React Hook useState

You are mutating your state object. Even though you create a copy temp of the message state, you are mutating the nested properties. You necessarily need to also shallow copy all nested state you are updating.

I would suggest using a functional state update to access the previous messagestate, and use aswitchstatement to cover the different cases on thename` value, returning the next state value for each one. Notice that each level of nested state is shallow copied before it's updated.

const [message, setMessage] = useState({ 
Features: { Active: false },
General: { FileTimeout: 0, ZipDepth: 0 }

const handleInput=e=>{
const { name, value } = e.currentTarget;

setMessage(message => {
switch(name) {
case 'active':
if (value === 'on') {
return {
...message, // shallow copy of state
Features: {
...message.Features, // shallow copy nested state
Active: true,
} else {
// ? return some new state

case 'timeout':
return {
...message, // shallow copy of state
General: {
...message.General, // shallow copy nested state
ZipDepth: 5,

case 'zipdepth':
return {
...message, // shallow copy of state
General: {
...message.General, // shallow copy nested state
FileTimeout: 7,

return message; // no update, return current state

update an object with useState hook in React

As for any modification you want to do on a useState variable, you must use an arrow function inside of the "set" function.

You can do something like that :

setBoard((currentBoard)=> {
currentBoard.lanes[0].cards = [...currentBoard.lanes[0].cards, whateverCardYouWantToAdd ]
return {... currentBoard} //necessary to create a new object because else the hook won't be updated

React Hooks useState() with an Array of Object

You can try this and hope it may help you for compoTwo.

Note: You can also set the todo prop value as the initial value of useState.

const compoTwo = ({ todo, todos, setTodos }) =>{
const [a, setA] = useState("")
const [b, setB] = useState("")
const [c, setC] = useState("")

const handleChange = (e) => {
const { name, value } =;
setTodos((prevState) => {
const temp = [...prevState];
const find = temp.find((res) => ===;
if (find) {
find[name] = value;
return temp;
} else {
return prevState;

onBlur={(e) => handleChange(e)}
label="field A"
onBlur={(e) => handleChange(e)}
label="field B"
onBlur={(e) => handleChange(e)}
label="field C"

React useState - update all object values to true

The problem you are facing is that you are mutating the state object, which means that at the end, prevState === nextState and React bails out of rendering. An option is to use a new object and copy the props like this, using the same combo of Object.keys and forEach but adding an extra step:

setState(prevState => {
const nextState = {}
Object.keys(prevState).forEach(key => {
nextState[key] = true
return nextState

Update object in array using useState and a button

You can update a user by first getting the index of this user in the array, then update the element in the array, then return the array :

const update = (e) => {
setUsers(users => {
const index = users.findIndex(item => ===;

if (index === -1) {
return […users, user];

users[index] = user;
return users;

React hook use class object as useState

Your example illustrates the case of "prop drilling".

Prop drilling (also called "threading") refers to the process you have to go through to get data to parts of the React Component tree.
Prop drilling can be a good thing, and it can be a bad thing. Following some good practices as mentioned above, you can use it as a feature to make your application more maintainable.

The issue with "prop drilling", is that it is not really that scalable when you have an app with many tiers of nested components that needs alot of shared state.

An alternative to this, is some sort of "global state management" - and there are tons of libraries out there that handles this for you. Picking the right one, is a task for you /p>

I'd recommend reading these two articles to get a little more familiar with the concepts:

  • Prop Drilling
  • Application State Management with React

React: problem with putting object into useState

There were two issues in your code.

  1. In TraningForm form should be updated whenever obj changes. Need to add a useEffect hook below.
  useEffect(() => {
}, [obj]);

  1. In EditObj method there was a mistake. It should be ...item instead of ...prevTraining.
  const EditObj = (obj) => {
setTraining((prevTraining) => => {
if ( ==
return { ...item, date:, passed: obj.passed };
return item;

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