React Enable Button After All Form Fields Are Not Empty

React JS - disable a button if the input field is empty?

It's a common mistake coming from Class Components, state setter in hooks does not merge state value as in classes.

You initialized your state as a string (useState('')) and then assigned it as an object

const autoComplete = (e) => {
setText({ value: });

// State is an object { value: 'some text' }

Fix your set state call:

const autoComplete = (e) => {

// State is a string 'some text'

Then to be more verbose you want to check if the string is empty:

<button disabled={text === ''}>find</button>

How to disable a button when an input is empty?

You'll need to keep the current value of the input in state (or pass changes in its value up to a parent via a callback function, or sideways, or <your app's state management solution here> such that it eventually gets passed back into your component as a prop) so you can derive the disabled prop for the button.

Example using state:

<meta charset="UTF-8"><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><div id="app"></div><script type="text/jsx;harmony=true">void function() { "use strict";
var App = React.createClass({ getInitialState() { return {email: ''} }, handleChange(e) { this.setState({email:}) }, render() { return <div> <input name="email" value={} onChange={this.handleChange}/> <button type="button" disabled={!}>Button</button> </div> }})
React.render(<App/>, document.getElementById('app'))

Disable submit button if field is empty

If you want to disable a button when an input string is empty, then the only state you need is the value of the input string.

const [inputVal, setInputVal] = useState('')

// ...

<input value={inputVal} onChange={e => setInputVal(} />

// ...

<button disabled={!inputVal}> /* ... */ </button>

Here we connect the input component to the state value. This is called a controlled component, because its value is controlled from by an external source (the state value) as opposed to an uncontrolled component, which means the input element holds it's own internal state (the default way inputs work if you don't set their value prop directly.

When the input component receives input (such as someone typing a character) the onChange prop is called. All we do then is take the new value of the input element ( and use it to set the state.

If you can derive state from other state, then you shouldn't be storing it in state. Having a state variable called disabled only makes things more complex. The general idea is to use as little state as possible, and compute as much as you can from that state.

How to disable submit input field until all required fields and checkboxes are empty

You can apply the required attribute to your inputs. When one of the inputs in a form has this attribute but has not been filled at the moment the Submit button is clicked, the form will not be submitted. Instead, the invalid event will be fired on all inputs whose values are missing. You can use it to let the user know what needs to be filled in.

Here is a minimal example using React:

const { useState } = React;

function Input(props) {
const [invalid, setInvalid] = useState(false);

const handleInvalid = event => {

const handleChange = () => setInvalid(false);

const className = invalid ? 'invalid' : '';

return (
<div className={className}>
<input {...props} onInvalid={handleInvalid} onChange={handleChange} />
{props.type === "checkbox" && (
<label htmlFor={}>

function Form() {
const handleSubmit = event => {

return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<Input name="name" placeholder="Name" required />
<Input type="checkbox" name="accept" id="accept" label="I accept Terms of Usage" required />

ReactDOM.render(<Form />, document.getElementById('root'));
.invalid input[type=text], .invalid input:not([type]) {
border: 2px solid red;

.invalid label {
color: red;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>

Enable Disabled Button if Input is not empty

Id propose something like this

  1. Use a block, which encapsulates the names of variables and functions inside the block scope
  2. Make small functions, which do just one thing
  3. Prefer addEventListener over onclick or onanything
  4. There are two types of events you could use on the inputs: input and change. input will react on every keystroke, check will only react, if you blur the input element
  5. I added a check for validity to the email field with checkValidity method
    const btn = document.getElementById("submit-btn");
    const fname = document.getElementById("fname");
    const email = document.getElementById("email");

    function activate() {
    btn.disabled = false;

    function deactivate() {
    btn.disabled = true;

    function check() {
    if (fname.value != '' && email.value != '' && email.checkValidity()) {
    } else {

    btn.addEventListener('click', function(e) {

    fname.addEventListener('input', check)
    email.addEventListener('input', check)

    <input type="text" name="" id="fname">
    <input type="email" name="" id="email">
    <input type="submit" id="submit-btn" value="Submit">

    Disable Button when input is empty in react

    You could just do it like

      <form onSubmit={this.props.addCourse}>
    <input onKeyUp={() => success()} id='id' value={this.props.value} type='text' onChange={this.props.updateCourse} />
    <button disabled={this.props.value === ""} id="button" type='submit'>Add Course</button>
    //added condition to button disabled property

    If the value of this.props.value is empty it would return true and hence button will be disabled.

    React - Disable button in Ant Design form until all required fields are filled

    Check the following example using onValuesChange method of Form component

    import React, { useState } from 'react';
    import 'antd/dist/antd.css';
    import './index.css';
    import { Form, Input, Button, Checkbox } from 'antd';

    const Demo = () => {

    const [btndisabled, setbtndisabled] = useState(true);

    const onFinish = (values) => {
    console.log('Success:', values);

    const onFinishFailed = (errorInfo) => {
    console.log('Failed:', errorInfo);

    const onValuesChange = (changedValues, allValues) => {

    if ( allValues.username != undefined && allValues.password != undefined && allValues.username != '' && allValues.password != '') {
    } else {

    return (
    span: 8,
    span: 16,
    remember: true,
    required: true,
    message: 'Please input your username!',
    <Input />

    required: true,
    message: 'Please input your password!',
    <Input.Password />

    offset: 8,
    span: 16,
    <Button disabled={btndisabled} type="primary" htmlType="submit">


    Before entering all values

    Before entering all values

    After entering all values

    After entering all values

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