JavaScript .Replace Alternative

Javascript .replace regex alternative

One problem with your approach is (using your "new" delimiters) what happens when you get this input?

normal !@# bold &*( bold-italic !@# italic &*( normal

This would be your output:

normal <b> bold <i> bold-italic </b> italic </i> normal

And that is not valid HTML due to the crossed tags.

Instead, you need some kind of parser. A very basic one would seek out a single valid tag, and then re-parse its contents recursively. For example:

const tags = {
"!@#": "b",
"$%^": "u",
"&*(": "i",
")_+": "del"
const regexSanity = /[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g; //
const regex = new RegExp(
"(" + Object.keys(tags).map(
token => token.replace(regexSanity,'\\$&')
).join("|") + ")(.*?)\\1",

const parse = input=>
(_,tag,content) => `<${tags[tag]}>${parse(content)}</${tags[tag]}>`

console.log(parse("normal !@# bold &*( bold-italic !@# italic &*( normal"));

How do I replace all occurrences of a string in JavaScript?

In the latest versions of most popular browsers, you can use replaceAll
as shown here:

let result = "1 abc 2 abc 3".replaceAll("abc", "xyz");
// `result` is "1 xyz 2 xyz 3"

But check Can I use or another compatibility table first to make sure the browsers you're targeting have added support for it first.

For Node.js and compatibility with older/non-current browsers:

Note: Don't use the following solution in performance critical code.

As an alternative to regular expressions for a simple literal string, you could use

str = "Test abc test test abc test...".split("abc").join("");

The general pattern is


This used to be faster in some cases than using replaceAll and a regular expression, but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore in modern browsers.



If you have a performance-critical use case (e.g., processing hundreds of strings), use the regular expression method. But for most typical use cases, this is well worth not having to worry about special characters.

Replace multiple characters in one replace call

If you want to replace multiple characters you can call the String.prototype.replace() with the replacement argument being a function that gets called for each match. All you need is an object representing the character mapping that you will use in that function.

For example, if you want a replaced with x, b with y, and c with z, you can do something like this:

const chars = {'a':'x','b':'y','c':'z'};
let s = '234abc567bbbbac';
s = s.replace(/[abc]/g, m => chars[m]);

Output: 234xyz567yyyyxz

Alternative to replace all html entities by characters in Web Worker

My solution was to go to website that show all html entites (example:

and run this code in console:

[].concat.apply([], [...document.querySelectorAll('.bordered-table')].map(table => {
var t = [...table.querySelectorAll('tbody tr')];
return => ({
entity: tr.querySelector('td:nth-child(2)').innerText,
char: tr.querySelector('td:nth-child(1)').innerText
})).filter(o => o.entity);
})).reduce((acc, obj) => (acc[obj.entity] = obj.code, acc), {});

then you can convert that to string using JSON.stringify(arr, true, 4); you can copy/paste into your code and use like this:

var entities = {...}; // map from above

function renderEntities(str) {
return str.replace(/&#(x?)([0-9]+);/g, function(_, hex, code) {
code = parseInt(code, hex ? 16 : 10);
return String.fromCharCode(code);
}).replace(/(&[^;]+;)/g, function(_, entity) {
// if entity is not recognized it need to be
// inserted as is example &foo;
return entities[entity] || entity;

How do I replace onclick with a better alternative in vanilla javascript?

The problem with inline click attributes is that their scoping rules are very strange and unintuitive, and they require global pollution. Select the element using Javascript and use addEventListener instead.

You can also use classList.toggle instead of alternating between two different classes; the .block class isn't useful because a <div>'s ordinary display is already block.

document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', () => {  document.getElementById("menu").classList.toggle('hidden');});
.hidden {  display: none;}.icon {  fill: currentColor;  height: 24px;  width: 24px;}
<button>    <svg class="icon" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns=""><title>Menu</title><path d="M0 3h20v2H0V3zm0 6h20v2H0V9zm0 6h20v2H0v-2z"/></svg>  </button>
<div id="menu" class="hidden"> <p>I'm no longer hidden.</p></div>

Fastest method to replace all instances of a character in a string

The easiest would be to use a regular expression with g flag to replace all instances:

str.replace(/foo/g, "bar")

This will replace all occurrences of foo with bar in the string str. If you just have a string, you can convert it to a RegExp object like this:

var pattern = "foobar",
re = new RegExp(pattern, "g");

Alternative to regexp $1 for replace

Use the following code:

var pattern = new RegExp("<div"+"(.*?)>", "g");

var text = "<div><div class='someClass'>"

text = text.replace(pattern, function(match, first_match) {
return "<pre>"+"<div>"+ first_match + ">" +"</pre>"

Also note that you code make your original code much neater, like so:

var pattern = new RegExp("<div"+"(.*?)>", "g");

var text = "<div><div class='someClass'>"

text = text.replace(pattern, "<pre><div>$1></pre>")

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