Insert HTML With React Variable Statements (Jsx)

Insert HTML with React Variable Statements (JSX)

You can use dangerouslySetInnerHTML, e.g.

render: function() {
return (
<div className="content" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: thisIsMyCopy}}></div>

How to render variable with HTML elements in ReactJs?

Use map instead of foreach in render to create the array of li tags. Do not use string concatenation.

render() {

let liTagsPagination=, indexSection) {
return <li><a id={"_sectionPage"+ indexSection} className="section">{indexSection+1}</a></li>;

const htmlPagination = (
<div id="pages-nav-branch" className="col-xs-12 text-center">
<ul className="pagination pagination-section pagination-sm">


Insert React component into a String variable with html content

You can't render React component as innerHTML because its an object, don't confuse between JSX and HTML.

To solve it your need content to be a valid HTML.

Can be done by making ShareThis a function returning a valid HTML as a string:

const ShareThis = ({ text }) => {
return `<div class="one-line">${text}</div>`;

const content = `
<p>Text 1</p>
<p>Text 2</p>

const htmlcontent = content.replace(
ShareThis({ text: "Hello" })

const App = () => {
return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: htmlcontent }} />;

Note that you have a typo in regex expression: /!#ShareButton/

Edit green-sound-n5fvc

Inserting html inside string variable used in React component

An option is to change the strings in Text.js to html bits, like

export const exampleText = (
Graded is a application developed by
<a href=''> Link here. </a>
and myself for our second year user interfaces course.

Insert HTML into user string and render it in React (and avoid XSS threat)

Couldn't you just

  1. HTML-encode the tainted string from the user.
  2. Do your search/replace and insert your HTML.
  3. Then do the dangerouslySetInnerHTML().

That should safely escape whatever the user entered and leave your inserted HTML element alone, no?

JSX with a HTML tag from a variable

Try setting your component state and rendering like so:

render: function() {

<this.state.tagName {...myProps}>
<div className="some-class">some content</div>


React render html from a string with a dynamic variable


This should give you a good idea:

EDIT #2:

I'm pretty good with React and interpolation, it's still in progress (specifically the docs, but the readme is complete) but I'm going to shamelessly plug my ReactAST library

EDIT #3 - If you're interested in doing crazy dynamic interpolation, then you might also want to check out a neat dynamic interpolation (and it's reverse) library

Let's assume this:

vars: ['name','surname'],
strings: ["<p>Hello, how are you {name}?</p>","<p> It's night to meet you {name} {surname}"],
inputs: {
input1: 'name',
input2: 'surname'

Create a component (or set of components) that can do this.

I haven't even ran any of this, but here's the idea. I'll put it in a stackblitz in a bit and polish it up to make sure it works:

const MyDynamicComponent = ({vars,strings,inputs}) => {
const [state,setState] = useState(vars.reduce((acc,var) => ({...acc,[var]:undefined}));

return (
<MyDynamicText vars={vars} strings={strings} state={state}/>
<MyDynamicInputs onChange={(name,val) => setState({[name]:val}) state={state} inputs={inputs}/>

const MyDynamicText = ({vars,strings,state}) => {
return,i) => s.replaceAll(`{${vars[i]}}`,state[vars[i]])

const MyDynamicInputs = ({onChange,inputs,state}) => {
return Object.entries(inputs).map(([inputName,varName]) => <input key={inputName} onChange={e => onChange(varName,} value={state[varName]}/>

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