How to Use Setinterval and Clearinterval

How can I use setInterval and clearInterval?

setInterval sets up a recurring timer. It returns a handle that you can pass into clearInterval to stop it from firing:

var handle = setInterval(drawAll, 20);

// When you want to cancel it:
handle = 0; // I just do this so I know I've cleared the interval

On browsers, the handle is guaranteed to be a number that isn't equal to 0; therefore, 0 makes a handy flag value for "no timer set". (Other platforms may return other values; Node.js's timer functions return an object, for instance.)

To schedule a function to only fire once, use setTimeout instead. It won't keep firing. (It also returns a handle you can use to cancel it via clearTimeout before it fires that one time if appropriate.)

setTimeout(drawAll, 20);

How to use setInterval() and clearInterval() in the same function

You need to push the interval id in a global variable. Like that you can use another function to stop the interval when you want.


let intervalId; // define `count` globaly

let timer = document.getElementById('timer')

const timerStop = () => {



const timerRestart = () => {


timer.innerHTML = 100;


const timerStart = () => {

timerStop(); // Stop timer by security, e.g. if you call `timerStart()` multiple times

intervalId = setInterval(() => {

let timeLeft = timer.innerHTML;

if (+timeLeft > 0) {

timer.innerHTML = +timeLeft - 1

} else {




}, 1000)

<div id="timer">100</div>


<button onclick="timerStart()">Start</button>

<button onclick="timerStop()">Pause</button>

<button onclick="timerRestart()">Restart</button>


node.js: how to use setInterval and clearInterval?

Using setInterval()

What if you need to repeat the execution of your code block at specified intervals? For this, Node has methods called setInterval() and clearInterval(). The setInterval() function is very much like setTimeout(), using the same parameters such as the callback function, delay, and any optional arguments for passing to the callback function.

A simple example of setInterval() appears below:

var interval = setInterval(function(str1, str2) {
console.log(str1 + " " + str2);
}, 1000, "Hello.", "How are you?");


This is another way when you want to keep only one interval running every minute

function intervalFunc() {

In the above example, intervalFunc() will execute about every 1500 milliseconds, or 1.5 seconds, until it is stopped . Hope this helps.

Proper way to setInterval and clearInterval

The setInterval() function returns an ID. This is what you want to assign to hmm.

Also, the first parameter of setInterval() is the function you want to call every interval.

var hmm = null;
function appendStuff(){
$("p").append("<b>Appended text</b>");
$("#start").click(function() {
console.log("startClicked"); // working...
hmm = window.setInterval(appendStuff, 1000) // working...
$("#stop").click(function() {
console.log("stopClicked"); // working...

setInterval() and clearInterval() in React

Since launch is just an ordinary variable, its value will not survive across rerenderings of TimerPanel. You'll need to store it inside a ref with useRef

// add useRef to your imports from react
import { useRef } from "react";

function TimerPanel(props) {
const launch = useRef();
var secLeft =
parseInt(props.timerNow.min) * 60 + parseInt(props.timerNow.sec);

const startCountDown = () => {
clearInterval(launch.current) // clean up any old timers
launch.current = setInterval(decrement, 1000);
function decrement() {
if (secLeft > 0 && !props.isPaused) {
var minCountDown = Math.floor(secLeft / 60);
var secCountDown = Math.floor((secLeft % 60) * 100) / 100;
min: minCountDown,
sec: secCountDown,
const pauseCountDown = () => {
const reset = () => {
min: props.initialTimer.min,
sec: props.initialTimer.sec,

// ...

Need help to use setInterval and clearInterval in Javascript


  • Use setInterval if you need a continuous call to a function.
  • Use setTimeout if you want to delay the calling of a function.

And in your case. You want change the picture with delay if selectCity is changed. Therefore use setTimeout instead.


let currentIndex = 0

selectCity.addEventListener('change', () => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (images.length < currentIndex) {
celeb.src = images[currentIndex]
currentIndex += 1
}, 7000)

Test setTimeout in your browser:

document.getElementsByTagName('button')[0].addEventListener('click', function() {
setTimeout(() => console.log('Clicked'), 5000)
<button>Console after 5 seconds</button>

how to clearInterval if any previous setInterval is running in REACT?

The interval variable gets created each time the App function is run.

Which is in this case each time you press Enter.

It can be fixed by placing it out of the App function.

let interval;

const App = () => {
const [ctime, setctime] = useState();

const enterdown = (value) => {

interval = setInterval(() => {
if (value === 0) {
}, 1000);
// ...

Another solution would be using useRef

How do I correctly use setInterval and clearInterval to switch between two different functions?

You need to capture the return value from setInterval( ... ) into a variable as that is the reference to the timer:

var interval;
var count = 0;

function onloadFunctions()
interval = setInterval(countUp, 200);

/* ... code ... */

function countUp()
document.getElementById("here").innerHTML = count;

if(count === 10)
interval = setInterval(countUp, 200);

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