How to Use Redirect in Version 5 of React-Router-Dom of Reactjs

How to use Redirect in version 5 of react-router-dom of Reactjs

You have to use setState to set a property that will render the <Redirect> inside your render() method.


class MyComponent extends React.Component {
state = {
redirect: false

handleSubmit () {**/)
.then(() => this.setState({ redirect: true }));

render () {
const { redirect } = this.state;

if (redirect) {
return <Redirect to='/somewhere'/>;

return <RenderYourForm/>;

You can also see an example in the official documentation:

That said, I would suggest you to put the API call inside a service or something. Then you could just use the history object to route programatically. This is how the integration with redux works.

But I guess you have your reasons to do it this way.

Router and redirect in React.js

Almost all the react-router-dom tutorials out there are outdated and still refer to the react-router-dom@5 API spec.

It looks like you've accidentally upgraded/installed the latest version of react-router-dom, version 6. You've two options from here:

  1. Downgrade/revert back to version v5.x

    Uninstall any current versions of react-router-dom and react-dom, and then install a specific v5 version of them.

    From your project directory run:

    • npm un -s react-router-dom react-dom

    • npm i -s react-router-dom@5 react-dom@5
  2. Complete/apply the v5 migration guide

    Upgrading from v5

    If you decide to move forward with the migration then you'll likely want to uninstall react-router since react-router-dom re-exports all the exports from react-router, or at a minimum you want to ensure it's on the same version.


    npm un -s react-router

    Or reinstall latest of each:

    • npm un -s react-router-dom react-router

    • npm i -s react-router-dom@latest


    import {Route, Switch} from "react-router-dom"

    function App(props) {
    return (
    <Header />
    <Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
    <Route path="authentication" element={<Authentication />} />
    <Route path="/dashboard-component" element={<DashboardComponent />} />


    const Authentication = () => {

    --- other code ---

    let postLoginRedirect = null;
    if (isLogged) {
    return <Navigate to="/dashboardComponent" replace />;

What is the alternative for Redirect in react-router-dom v 6.0.0?

Redirecting alone is done via the Navigate component with the replace prop specified.

<Navigate replace to="/" />

If you want to replicate RRDv5's Redirect component redirecting from a path then you need to combine with a Route.

<Route path="/somePath" element={<Navigate replace to="/" />} />
  • Navigate
  • Routes & Route

Redirect after completing an action with react-router-dom V5.+

if you are using hooks, use react-router doms useHistory hook

for example:

import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";

function HomeButton() {
let history = useHistory();

function handleClick() {

return (
<button type="button" onClick={handleClick}>
Go home

React: 'Redirect' is not exported from 'react-router-dom'

For react-router-dom v6, simply replace Redirect with Navigate

import { Navigate } from 'react-router-dom';
{ component: () => <Navigate to="/404" /> }

How to do a redirect to another route with react-router?

For the simple answer, you can use Link component from react-router, instead of button. There is ways to change the route in JS, but seems you don't need that here.

<span className="input-group-btn">
<Link to="/login" />Click to login</Link>

To do it programmatically in 1.0.x, you do like this, inside your clickHandler function:

this.history.pushState(null, 'login');

Taken from upgrade doc here

You should have this.history placed on your route handler component by react-router. If it child component beneath that mentioned in routes definition, you may need pass that down further

How can I redirect in React Router v6?

I think you should use the no match route approach.

Check this in the documentation: Adding a "No Match" Route

import { BrowserRouter, Navigate, Route, Routes } from 'react-router-dom';

<Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
<Route path="/lab" element={<Lab />} />
element={<Navigate to="/" replace />}

To keep the history clean, you should set replace prop. This will avoid extra redirects after the user click back.

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