How to Increase Width of Morris.Js Bar or Add Space Between Bars

How to increase width of morris.js bar or add space between bars?

The api doc pages seem to omit several properties. You can learn about more by looking at the source, where I found these 2 guys:

barGap and barSizeRatio

barGap is an integer that sets the space between bars in a single bar group. It defaults to 3. Increase it to space them further, decrease it to bring them closer together. barSizeRatio is the proportion of the width of the entire graph given to bars. It defaults to 0.75. Increase the number closer to 1 to make the bars wider, if its =1 the bars will take up the entire graph, if its > 1 bars will overlap.

element: 'morris-chart-bar',
data: [
{ y: 'Feb', a: 75, b: 60, c: 5, d: 50 },
{ y: 'March', a: 180, b: 220, c: 140, d: 160 },
{ y: 'April', a: 300, b: 340, c: 350, d: 270 }
xkey: 'y',
ykeys: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
labels: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
barColors: ['#0B62A4','#f75b68','#4DA74D','#646464'],
hideHover: 'auto'

Morris Bar Chart consistent bar width

This feature I guess was added, but not documented on the main site. The configuration is "barSize: 50".

Bar chart horizontal bar width i want fixed or max width for each horizontal bar

You can use barSizeRatio to control the width of the bars. So, when you have few bars e.g. less than 5, set barSizeRatio to 0.2. For more than 5 bars, let don't specify barSizeRatio, let the chart control figure it out.


element: 'chart',
data: [
{ date: '04-02-2014', value: 3 },
{ date: '04-03-2014', value: 10 },

xkey: 'date',
ykeys: ['value'],
labels: ['Orders']

You can make it more dynamic by figuring out the width of the chart control and then decide the value of barSizeRatio to meet your maximum bar width criteria.

Using Morris Bar can't show

Your xkey (kd_spbu) is also in ykeys. You need to remove it from from the ykeys.

Also none of the xkeys / ykeys are defined in your PHP code.

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