How to Detect If Two Divs Are Touching/ Collision Detection

How to detect if two divs are touching/ collision detection

There's probably a better way (this isnt very DRY) but it should work, simply replace "div1" and "div2" with your div IDs:

let div1 = document.getElementById('div1').getBoundingClientRect();
let div1Top =;
let div1Left = div1.left;
let div1Right = div1.right
let div1Bottom = div1.bottom

let div2 = document.getElementById('div2').getBoundingClientRect();
let div2Top =;
let div2Left = div1.left;
let div2Right = div1.right
let div2Bottom = div1.bottom

if ((div2Top > div1Top && div2Top < div1Bottom)||(div2Bottom > div1Top && div2Bottom < div1Bottom)) {
let verticalMatch = true
} else{
let verticalMatch = false

if ((div2Right > div1Left && div2Right < div1Right)||(div2Left < div1Right && div2Left > div1Left)) {
let horizontalMatch = true
} else {
let horizontalMatch = false

if (horizontalMatch && vertialMatch){
let intersect = true
} else {
let intersect = false

Javascript: Check collision between two divs

First, I'd suggest you check out the HTML5 canvas element, as by the sounds of it, you want to make a game, and the canvas is great for that ;)

But, to answer your question, you could create or get div elements with document.createElement() or getElementById() respectively, and get their style properties either by getting their JS-set values ( or use getComputedStyle if you'd prefer to set initial values in CSS.

Make sure that, however you get these CSS properties, they'll need to be parsed into something that JS can digest. For integer-based positions, parseInt() usually does the trick.

Next, you do the math. In this case, you'd want to see if the character div's top, plus its height, is greater than the top position of the ground. If it is, it has collided.

To set the style back to the div, you can just set the style property.

Here's an example (copied from this fiddle):

var character = document.getElementById("character");
var ground = document.getElementById("ground");

//We could use getComputedStyle to get the style props,
//but I'm lazy = "10px"; = "40px"; = "250px";

//For every 33ms (about 30fps)

//Get the height and position of the player
var charTop = parseInt(,
charHeight = parseInt(;

//and the top of the ground
var groundTop = parseInt(;

//linear gravity? Why now?
charTop += 5;

//If the character's bottom is hitting the ground,
//Stop moving
if(charTop + charHeight > groundTop) {
charTop = groundTop - charHeight;

//Set the character's final position = charTop + "px";
#character {
position: absolute;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
left: 50px;
background-color: #F00;

#ground {
position: absolute;
width: 300px;
height: 60px;
left: 0px;
background-color: #A66;
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="ground"></div>

Check collision between certain divs

Okay, I ended up using a modified version of this duplicate. The function which does the work is:

var overlaps = (function () {
function getPositions( elem ) {
var pos, width, height;
pos = $( elem ).position();
width = $( elem ).width() / 2;
height = $( elem ).height();
return [ [ pos.left, pos.left + width ], [, + height ] ];

function comparePositions( p1, p2 ) {
var r1, r2;
r1 = p1[0] < p2[0] ? p1 : p2;
r2 = p1[0] < p2[0] ? p2 : p1;
return r1[1] > r2[0] || r1[0] === r2[0];

return function ( a, b ) {
var pos1 = getPositions( a ),
pos2 = getPositions( b );
return comparePositions( pos1[0], pos2[0] ) && comparePositions( pos1[1], pos2[1] );

And it is called by using overlaps( div1, div2 ); (returns true or false).

Collision between two div vanillaJS no detection

You have a few issues..

  1. getElementsByClassName returns an HTMLCollection, not a single element. You need to either iterate over these if you have more than one. Or if there's just one of each class, just use querySelector.
  2. If you want to use the element's x, y, you need to get it's DOMRect using getBoundingClientRect.

Try this instead:

let rect1 = document.querySelector('.perso').getBoundingClientRect();
let rect2 = document.querySelector('.obstacle').getBoundingClientRect();

Collision detection with JavaScript. (Check if 2 Block Level elements are touching)

You can use the Jquery collision plugin like this:

var x = $("#div1").collision(".div2");

Javascript: Detect colliding divs

You need to loop through each div, and then compare with every other div in a nested loop. Then use logic like what you've written to compare each combination. Here is an example that simply prints out the overlapping divs to the output (note also that I changed the height element to have a numerical value rather than text so that its value could be used in calculations):

var divs = [
{class:'A', top:0, left:0, height:60},
{class:'B', top:50, left:60, height:60},
{class:'C', top:30, left:10, height:60},
{class:'D', top:100, left:180, height:60},
{class:'E', top:80, left:50, height:60},
{class:'F', top:110, left:200, height:60},
{class:'G', top:55, left:80, height:60}

for (var i=0; i < divs.length - 1; i++)
for (var j=i+1; j < divs.length; j++)
var I=divs[i];
var J=divs[j];

if ( ( <= && ( + I.height) >= ||
( <= && ( + J.height) >= )
I.class + " collides with " + J.class + "<br />");


A collides with B
A collides with C
A collides with G
B collides with C
B collides with D
B collides with E
B collides with F
B collides with G
C collides with E
C collides with G
D collides with E
D collides with F
D collides with G
E collides with F
E collides with G
F collides with G

Sample working code:

how can i check if two div touch each other in javascript

At the moment you're assigning the bounding rectangles of your game objects to the variables carRightBound & playerBound once before starting the interval.
That means it's values won't ever get updated anymore. You should update them inside the callback function.

Furthermore the interval of 5000ms is way too long. A lot of stuff can have happenend on screen during 5 seconds. Try reducing it to 50ms for example.

Lastly I'm not too sure about your collision detection anyhow. You aren't paying attention to the size of your objects.

Try this code:

setInterval(function() {
var playerBound = player.getBoundingClientRect();
var carsRight = document.querySelectorAll('.carRight');
var carRightBound;

for (var a = 0; a < carsRight.length; a++) {
carRightBound = carsRight[a].getBoundingClientRect();
if (playerBound.x > carRightBound.x - playerBound.width && playerBound.x < carRightBound.x + carRightBound.width && playerBound.y > carRightBound.y - playerBound.height && playerBound.y < carRightBound.y + carRightBound.height) {
console.log('The divs are intersecting!');
alert('on here')
} else {
console.log('The divs are not intersecting.');
}, 50);

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