Handling "Onclick" Event with Pure JavaScript

Handling onclick event with pure JavaScript

All browsers support this (see example here):

mySelectedElement.onclick = function(e){
//your handler here

However, sometimes you want to add a handler (and not change the same one), and more generally when available you should use addEventListener (needs shim for IE8-)

//your handler here

Here is a working example:

var button = document.getElementById("myButton");
button.disabled = "true";

And html:

<button id='myButton'>Hello</button>


Here are some useful resources:

  • addEventListener on mdn
  • The click event in the DOM specification
  • Click example in the MDN JavaScript tutorial

Click event in plain JavaScript

You can do that in the following way:

var div = document.getElementById('myId');div.addEventListener('click', function(e){  console.log(this.getAttribute('id'))});
<div id="myId">  <div>    <h2>First Div</h2>  </div>  <div>    <h2>Second Div</h2>  </div></div>

How to update the onclick event of the element using pure javascript?

You can try to use setAttribute method, like this:

function func_x(input) {  console.log('I\'m func_x function');    input.setAttribute('onclick', 'javascript:func_y()');}
function func_y() { console.log('I\'m func_y function');}
<input type="button" onclick="javascript:func_x(this)" value="MENU" id="btn">

Get li element onclick with pure javascript without applying onClick to each element

You could add an event listener to the parent ul and then use e.target.id to get the id of the clicked element. Just check to make sure that the clicked element is actually an li since it's possible you may not be clicking on one.

Example Here

var ul = document.getElementById('bulk');  // Parent

ul.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
if (e.target.tagName === 'LI'){
alert(e.target.id); // Check if the element is a LI

As pointed out in the comments, this approach won't work when the child of an li is clicked. To solve this, you would need to check to see if the parent element of the clicked element is the one that the click event is attached to.

Example Here

var ul = document.getElementById('bulk'); // Parent

ul.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
var target = e.target; // Clicked element
while (target && target.parentNode !== ul) {
target = target.parentNode; // If the clicked element isn't a direct child
if(!target) { return; } // If element doesn't exist
if (target.tagName === 'LI'){
alert(target.id); // Check if the element is a LI

onclick function from jQuery to pure JS

Seems like you just have far more code than needed.

First, you don't need separate selections to get the dropdownlink elements. Just include them in the selector.

Then if you need to reference el, you can just do it directly from the handler. And by using an arrow function, you can also use the this value present in the Accordion constructor.

let Accordion = function (el) {
this.el = el;
const dropdownlinks = document.querySelectorAll('.accordion-menu .dropdownlink');
const handler = () => {
this.dropdown(); // You can access the outer `this` value

for (const link of dropdownlinks) {
link.onclick = handler

Hide a div onclick in pure javascript

Use event delegation. Only one click handler is set and works with alerts dynamically added.

document.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
var alertElement = findUpTag(event.target, '.alert');

if (alertElement) {
alertElement.style.display = 'none';

function findUpTag(el, selector) {
if (el.matches(selector)) {
return el;

while (el.parentNode) {
el = el.parentNode;
if (el.matches && el.matches(selector)) {
return el;
return null;

DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/ht2qp6zj/3/

Is there a pure Javascript way to apply one function to multiple element's events?

You could add the event handler to the parent element, and then determine whether one of the children elements with the desired classname is clicked:

var parent = document.getElementById('parent');
parent.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
if ((' ' + e.target.className + ' ').indexOf(' item ') !== -1) {
// add logic here

Example Here


var parent = document.getElementById('parent');
parent.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
Array.prototype.forEach.call(parent.querySelectorAll('.item'), function (el) {
if (el === e.target) {
// add logic here

Example Here

The above snippets will only work when you are clicking on the element with the specified class. In other words, it won't work if you click on that given element's child. To work around that, you could use the following:

var parent = document.getElementById('parent');
parent.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
var target = e.target; // Clicked element
while (target && target.parentNode !== parent) {
target = target.parentNode; // If the clicked element isn't a direct child
if (!target) { return; } // If element doesn't exist
if ((' ' + target.className + ' ').indexOf(' item ') !== -1){
// add logic here

Alternative Example

var parent = document.getElementById('parent');

parent.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
var target = e.target; // Clicked element
while (target && target.parentNode !== parent) {
target = target.parentNode; // If the clicked element isn't a direct child
if (!target) { return; } // If element doesn't exist
Array.prototype.forEach.call(parent.querySelectorAll('.item'), function (el) {
if (el === target) {
// add logic here

Example Here

Remove and replace another onclick function in a div through Pure Javascript?

Consider a sample HTML page:

<div id ="d1">
<span class="plus childNode1" onclick="expand_collapseChildnodes('childNode1')" id="abc"></span>
<div id ="d2">

Now to move the element with id abc from DOM element with id d1 to another with id d2

//get the element
var element = document.getElementById("abc");

//detach from source

//remove onclick attribute

//add the modified attribute
element.setAttribute("onclick", "sampleFunc()");

//attach the element to another source

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