Google Map API Route Request Limit

Google Directions API limit

I believe this is the answer you are looking for (from google developer section):

Quota Considerations

Server-side geocoding through the Geocoding Web Service has a quota of 2,500 requests per IP per day, so all requests in one day count against the quota. In addition, the Web Service is rate-limited, so that requests that come in too quickly result in blocking. Client-side geocoding through the browser is rate limited per map session, so the geocoding is distributed across all your users and scales with your userbase. Geocoding quotas and rate limits drive the strategies outlined in this article.


When to Use Client-Side Geocoding

The basic answer is "almost always." As geocoding limits are per user session, there is no risk that your application will reach a global limit as your userbase grows. Client-side geocoding will not face a quota limit unless you perform a batch of geocoding requests within a user session. Therefore, running client-side geocoding, you generally don't have to worry about your quota.

Two basic architectures for client-side geocoding exist.
•Run the geocoding and display entirely in the browser. For instance, the user enters an address on your page. Your application geocodes it. Then your page uses the geocode to create a marker on the map. Or your app does some simple analysis using the geocode. No data is sent to your server. This reduces load on your server, but doesn't give you any sense of what your users are doing.

•Run the geocode in the browser and then send it to the server. For instance, the user enters an address. Your application geocodes it in the browser. The app then sends the data to your server. The server responds with some data, such as nearby points of interest. This allows you to customize a response based on your own data, and also to cache the geocode if you want. This cache allows you to optimize even more. You can even query the server with the address, see if you have a recently cached geocode for it, and if you do, use that. If you don't, then return no result to the browser, and let it geocode the result and send it back to the server to for caching.

UPDATE 03/23/2015: per request by a poster

Here is the excerpt from the Google documentation on quota limits for the direction API:

Usage Limits

The Directions API has the following limits in place:
Users of the free API:•2,500 directions requests per 24 hour period.

•Up to 8 waypoints allowed in each request. Waypoints are not available for transit directions.

•2 requests per second.
Google Maps API for Work customers:•100,000 directions requests per 24 hour period.

•23 waypoints allowed in each request. Waypoints are not available for transit directions.

•10 requests per second.

Usage limits for services when used with Google Maps Javascript API v3

Yes. The usage limit for Google maps APIs affects only when your site gets more traffic.

Each API has its own usage limitation.

  • Google Geocoding Service: 2,500 requests per day
  • Google Maps Javascript API : up to 25,000 map loads per day for each

    This includes:

    1. a map is displayed using the Maps JavaScript API (V2 or V3) when

      loaded by a web page or application;
    2. a Street View panorama is displayed using the Maps JavaScript API (V2
      or V3) by a web page or application that has not also displayed a
    3. a SWF that loads the Maps API for Flash is loaded by a web page or
      application; or
    4. a single request is made for a map image from the Static Maps API.
    5. a single request is made for a panorama image from the Street View
      Image API.

If you think that your site exceeds these usage limit, then you should consider to purchase a Maps API for Business license.

Check the following sites for additional information:

  • Understanding how the Maps API usage limits affect your
  • What usage limits apply to the Maps API?

Hope that the above information helps you.

Exceed 23 waypoint per request limit on Google Directions API (Business/Work level)

You are correct the premier pricing is rather expensive starting at $10,000, last time I spoke with a google rep on the phone.

I found a workaround that I put into place to in a way bypasss the 8 waypoints limitation. I was able to make it work.

I did this by receiving my waypoints and breaking them up into different routes but drawing them together as the same route.

Example being if there were 30 waypoints needed I would draw 4 lines, but with the same color etc. So, basically you cut the waypoints into different routes calling the directions renderer each time as if it was a different route. The key is after the first route that the next route has to start with the last waypoint of the previous route (this makes sure that the route lines are connected to each other)

It works but you need to write a lot more code than what you would if you had a premier account, and you are calling for directions a lot more in this instance.

I have searched and thought about other ways to do this without having a premier account and have failed.

Although, I when speaking with google they did say that they intended on creating a tiered structure of payment for customers with different wants/needs. For instance, if a customer just needed more waypts and not a bunch more direction requests.

Hope this helps, as it worked for me in a practice application.

Google Maps API [Directions API] Waypoints limitation?

Try sending multiple requests.

Google MAPs API for android limit 2500 requests/day is per client device or per application key?

use of the Google Places API for Android request based on Application key based. 
After 150000 request per day whoever using your application "that means the "key"
which you given for google places api request" will get a response error
from google api as "USAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" like


while giving search text in search view(to check the response debug and see
the Exception occurs while sending request to place api) , but it wont't be
visible to the user who uses you app. It will simply shows no
movement in markers and no auto suggestion will come. For that you want to use


for unlimited request. but it contains lots of restrictions by google. They
will track your app closely. If any violations of google policy happens means
you app will get banned from GooglePlay Markert. so make sure in that you
app does't contains any violation policy before using this.

Google Maps Directions API Usage Limits

See this issue in the issue tracker: Issue 8886: Bug: Directions API description of MAX_WAYPOINTS_EXCEEDED is not clear

from that issue:

Nov 16, 2015

Project Member #8

The post refers to Web Services.

The situation is the following:

  • Web Services (Directions API, Distance Matrix API) both free users (API keys) and Maps for Work users (client ID + signature) have 23 waypoints

  • JavaScript API (directions service, distance matrix service): free users (API keys) have 8 waypoints, Maps for Work users (client ID) have 23 waypoints.

Jan 22, 2016

Project Member #12

we're looking into adding this to JavaScript API as well, but there are some blockers on this, so we decided to roll it out for the web services without waiting for JS.

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