Get Escaped Url Parameter

Get escaped URL parameter

You should not use jQuery for something like this!
The modern way is to use small reusable modules through a package-manager like Bower.

I've created a tiny module that can parse the query string into an object. Use it like this:

// parse the query string into an object and get the property
//=> æøå

How to encode URL parameters?

With PHP

echo urlencode("");


With Javascript:

var myUrl = "";
var encodedURL= "" + encodeURIComponent(myUrl);


Escaping ampersand in URL

They need to be percent-encoded:

> encodeURIComponent('&')

So in your case, the URL would look like:

How to get a parameter from a URL encoded?

The encoding is happening in your first line already:

string queryString = new Uri(URL).Query;

Presumably you want to avoid writing your own code to extract the Query part from a URL. Which is sensible. You can still rely on the Uri class to do the parsing for you:

var uri=new Uri(URL);
var queryString= URL.Replace(uri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path), "").TrimStart('?');



var URL="http://a/b/?d= @£$%% sdf we  456 7 5?367";
var uri=new Uri(URL);
Console.WriteLine(uri.Query); // Already url-encoded by the Uri constructor
var queryString = URL.Replace(uri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path), "").TrimStart('?');
Console.WriteLine(System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(queryString)); //Not encoded!


(As an aside, LinqPad helps)

Non-escaped query parameters for URL

If you don't want your URL query to be encoded, then don't use the Encode() method. Instead, set the RawQuery value directly, yourself:

url, _ := url.Parse("")
url.RawQuery = "q=before:{2019-12-24 19:57:34}"

Output:{2019-12-24 19:57:34}


Keep in mind, however, that this is a recipe for potential disaster, depending on how that url is eventually used. In particular, the space in that URL should be escaped, according to RFC. See more here.

Perhaps you'll want to implement your own minimal escaping, if that's compatible with your use-case.

slashes in url variables

You need to escape the slashes as %2F.

Encode URL in JavaScript?

Check out the built-in function encodeURIComponent(str) and encodeURI(str).

In your case, this should work:

var myOtherUrl = 
"" + encodeURIComponent(myUrl);

How can I correctly encode query parameters in a url?

When dealing with HttpClient related tasks, A better approch is to use some handly library like RestSharp.

Using RestSharp NuGet library ( - You don't need to worry about URL encoding, JSON parsing and a lot more

var client = new RestClient("");
var request = new RestRequest("GetCountry", Method.GET);
// As you mentioned, If you do no need to encode URL parameters. Add the encoding off option
request.AddQueryParameter("countryName", "India", ParameterType.QueryStringWithoutEncode);
request.AddQueryParameter("cityName", "Kochi", ParameterType.QueryStringWithoutEncode);
var response = client.Execute(request);

This will give

URL encoding is automaticaly handled. You don't need to worry about it

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