Find and Remove Objects in an Array Based on a Key Value in JavaScript

Find and remove objects in an array based on a key value in JavaScript

I can grep the array for the id, but how can I delete the entire object where id == 88

Simply filter by the opposite predicate:

var data = $.grep(data, function(e){ 
return != id;

Remove Objects with same key values from array of objects

Array.prototype.filter is what you are looking for, check this out for more information.

const arr = [{name: "a", value: "b"}, {name: "a", value: "d"}, {name: "f", value: "r"}, {name: "g", value: "q"}];

console.log(arr.filter((item) => {
return !== "a";

Delete object from an array if the key value match

Using Array#findIndex:

const removeElemWithIdAndValue = (arr = [], targetId, targetValue) => {
const index = arr.findIndex(({ id, value }) => id === targetId && value === targetValue);
if(index >= 0) arr.splice(index, 1);

const arr = [ {id: 145, value: '$ 1.024.100'}, {id: 146, value: '$ 679.200'}, {id: 147, value: '$ 679.200'} ];
removeElemWithIdAndValue(arr, 1461, '$ 679.200');

Remove array element based on object property

One possibility:

myArray = myArray.filter(function( obj ) {
return obj.field !== 'money';

Please note that filter creates a new array. Any other variables referring to the original array would not get the filtered data although you update your original variable myArray with the new reference. Use with caution.

Most efficient way to remove objects from array based on key value objects in another array

You can use Array#filter, as suggested by @Barmar, in combination with Array#every as follows:

const excludes = [{key: "color", value: "Red"}, {key: "age", value:12}, {key:"score", value: 75}],
items = [{color: "Red", score: 30, age: 12}, {color: "Blue", score: 100, age: 20}, {color: "Red", score: 75, age: 30}],

output = items.filter(
item => excludes.every(
({key,value}) => item[key] !== value

console.log( output );
//OUTPUT: [{color: "Blue", score: 100, age: 20}]

How to remove specific key and value from array object in javascript?

You can use rest parameter. which will come handy when you have lot's
of keys which you want to keep and removing only few of them.

const arrayData= [{index: 0,is_required: true,name: "vmvdnksl",type: "LONG_TEXT"},{index: 1,is_required: true,name: "dsvnlk",type: "MULTIPLE_SELECTORS"}];
const result ={type,index,}) => ({}));

Angular remove object from array search for key and value

Works if key is "id", and if you are sure there won't be repeated values:

var data = [ { "id": "02" }, { "id": "03" } ];

function removeVal(value) {
var removeIndex = -1;
data.forEach((obj, index) => {
if ( === value) {
removeIndex = index;
data.splice(removeIndex, 1);


How to remove a simple specific key value pair from all objects inside an array

objArr.forEach(a => delete a.theId);

Docs for delete operator:

Remove all objects from array with a specific key value

filter() is your solution. It takes a callback as an argument that decides if the element should be kept in the array and returns the filtered array.

function remove(arr, pid) {  return arr.filter(e => !== pid);}
let arr = [{ pid: 1 }, { pid: 2 }];console.log("Removed pid:1", remove(arr, 1));console.log("Removed pid:2", remove(arr, 2));console.log("Removed pid:3", remove(arr, 3));
let yourArr = [{ "id": 1523898500862, "amm": 1, "type": "t", "name": "bluecheese", "pid": 1523898494726, "cost": 0.5}, { "id": 1523898501937, "amm": 1, "type": "t", "name": "edam", "pid": 1523898494726, "cost": 0.5}, { "id": 1523898505766, "amm": 1, "type": "t", "name": "mozzarella", "pid": 1523898494726, "cost": 1}];console.log("Removed from your array", remove(yourArr, 1523898494726));

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