Difference Between "Let" and "Var"

What is the difference between let and var?

Scoping rules

The main difference is scoping rules. Variables declared by var keyword are scoped to the immediate function body (hence the function scope) while let variables are scoped to the immediate enclosing block denoted by { } (hence the block scope).

function run() {
var foo = "Foo";
let bar = "Bar";

console.log(foo, bar); // Foo Bar

var moo = "Mooo"
let baz = "Bazz";
console.log(moo, baz); // Mooo Bazz

console.log(moo); // Mooo
console.log(baz); // ReferenceError


What is the difference between let and var in a multiple variable definition?

When you declare variables while using commas in a single statement, you're declaring a variable for each comma (plus the first one). For example:

let admin,
names = "Bob",
admin = names;

is equivalent to, separated out into 3 statements:

let admin;
let names = "Bob";
let admin = names;

But variables declared with let and const cannot be initialized more than once; in a given scope, there must be exactly one line that initializes them with let or const.

In contrast, variables declared with var do not have such a limitation. vars essentially get hoisted up to the top of the function. So

var foo = 5;
foo = 10;

is like

var foo;
foo = 5;
foo = 10;

and duplicate var declarations in the same scope aren't a problem, since they'll all refer to the same hoisted identifier at the top. That's why your second snippet doesn't throw an error.

Your third snippet doesn't throw because the admin and names are each initialized exactly once:

let admin, names;

is like

let admin;
let names;

which is fine. Assigning to a variable multiple times isn't an issue (as long as the variable isn't declared with const); it's just the initialization of a let variable must happen only exactly once.

What is the difference between `let` and `var` in Swift?

The let keyword defines a constant:

let theAnswer = 42

The theAnswer cannot be changed afterwards. This is why anything weak can't be written using let. They need to change during runtime and you must be using var instead.

The var defines an ordinary variable.

What is interesting:

The value of a constant doesn’t need to be known at compile time, but you must assign the value exactly once.

Another strange feature:

You can use almost any character you like for constant and variable
names, including Unicode characters:

let = "dogcow"

Excerpts From: Apple Inc. “The Swift Programming Language.” iBooks. https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewBook?id=881256329

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Difference between var and let

In the foo function the b variable is not accessible outside of the if statement as well as the c variable is not accessible outside of the while.

The reason for this is that let declared variables are block scoped.

For example the following log(b) will result in b is undefined:

function foo() {
var a = 1;
if (a >= 1) {
let b = 2;

while (b < 5) {
let c = b*2;
console.log(a + b);


What is the difference between var and let in Typescript?

var declaration is function scoped and let declaration is block scoped.

See https://basarat.gitbooks.io/typescript/content/docs/let.html for more details.

What is the difference between let and var?

Scoping rules

The main difference is scoping rules. Variables declared by var keyword are scoped to the immediate function body (hence the function scope) while let variables are scoped to the immediate enclosing block denoted by { } (hence the block scope).