Difference Between HTMLcollection, Nodelists, and Arrays of Objects

Difference between HTMLCollection, NodeLists, and arrays of objects

First I will explain the difference between NodeList and HTMLCollection.

Both interfaces are collections of DOM nodes. They differ in the methods they provide and in the type of nodes they can contain. While a NodeList can contain any node type, an HTMLCollection is supposed to only contain Element nodes.

An HTMLCollection provides the same methods as a NodeList and additionally a method called namedItem.

Collections are always used when access has to be provided to multiple nodes, e.g. most selector methods (such as getElementsByTagName) return multiple nodes or getting a reference to all children (element.childNodes).

For more information, have a look at DOM4 specification - Collections.

What is the difference between document.getElementsByTagName("td") and $("td")?

getElementsByTagName is method of the DOM interface. It accepts a tag name as input and returns a HTMLCollection (see DOM4 specification).

$("td") is presumably jQuery. It accepts any valid CSS/jQuery selector and returns a jQuery object.

The biggest differences between standard DOM collections and jQuery selections is that DOM collections are typically live (not all methods return a live collection though), i.e. any changes to the DOM are reflected in the collections if they are affected. They are like a view on the DOM tree, whereas jQuery selections are snapshots of the DOM tree in the moment the function was called.

Why is console.log also showing the array of DOM elements beside them, and are they not objects and not an array?

jQuery objects are array-like objects, i.e. they have numeric properties and a length property (keep in mind that arrays are just objects themselves). Browsers tend to display arrays and array-like objects in a special way, like [ ... , ... , ... ].

What is the elusive "NodeLists" all about, and how do I select one?

See the first part of my answer. You cannot select NodeLists, they are the result of a selection.

As far as I know there is not even a way to create NodeLists programatically (i.e. creating an empty one and adding nodes later on), they are only returned by some DOM methods/properties.

What is the difference between a HTMLCollection and a NodeList in DOM?

As you said, NodeList is defined in DOM-Level-3-Core and HTMLCollection in DOM-Level-2-HTML.

Their interfaces are :

interface HTMLCollection {
readonly attribute unsigned long length;
Node item(in unsigned long index);
Node namedItem(in DOMString name);

interface NodeList {
Node item(in unsigned long index);
readonly attribute unsigned long length;

So NodeList is a successor of HTMLCollection in a more generic form (for xml).

.forEach() on Arrays vs NodeList (JavaScript)


NodeLists and Arrays are two different things because NodeLists are
actually not a JavaScript API, but a browser API.

Things like querySelectorAll() and getElementsByTagName() aren’t JavaScript methods, they’re browser APIs that let you access DOM elements. You can then manipulate them with JavaScript.

NodeLists differ from Arrays in another meaningful way, too.

They are often live lists, meaning that if elements are removed or added to the DOM, the list updates automatically. querySelector() and querySelectorAll() return a static list (one that doesn’t update), but properties like .childNodes are live lists that will change as you manipulate the DOM (which can be a good or bad thing, depending on how you’re using it).

This is all made more confusing because arrays can contain nodes. And, there’s another, older type of list called an HTMLCollection that predates NodeLists, but is functionally similar (another article for another day).

The key way to think about NodeLists vs. Arrays: NodeLists are a
language-agnostic way to access DOM elements, and Arrays are a
JavaScript object you can use to contain collections of stuff.

They each have their own methods and properties, and you can convert a NodeList into an Array if you need to (but not the other way around).

HTMLCollection confusion

DOM is not HTML exclusive. XML and SVG (which is a form of XML) are also supported by the DOM specifications. Element is a general object that maps to a single element of any type.

Also, the alternative is a NodeList which is returned by querySelectorAll().

Why is my condition that checks diff between two arrays of objects wrong?

I loop the first array first and find matches in second array. If there is a match, diff is displayed. If there is no such match, then the correct text is being displayed. An array is built along the way, which is used to simplify the loop on the second array.

const firstArr = [{ name: 'tom', age: 22, city: 'Madrid' }, { name: 'Alex', age: 23, city: 'Berlin' }, { name: 'Sara', age: 28, city: 'Paris' }, { name: 'Rash', age: 20, city: 'Dubai' } ];
const secondArr = [{ name: 'tom', age: 22, city: 'Madrid' }, { name: 'Alex', age: 27, city: 'Berlin' }, { name: 'Hary', age: 29, city: 'London' }, ];

let names = [];

for (let first of firstArr) {
let matches = secondArr.filter((second) => (first.name === second.name));
if (matches.length) {
console.log('eq', first.city, matches[0].city)
} else {
console.log('not found in second array', first.city);

for (let second of secondArr) {
if (names.indexOf(second.name) === -1) console.log('not found in first array', second.city);

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