Deserializing a JSON into a JavaScript Object

Deserializing a JSON into a JavaScript object

Modern browsers support JSON.parse().

var arr_from_json = JSON.parse( json_string );

In browsers that don't, you can include the json2 library.

deserialize json object in javascript

Since you specified dataType: "json" in your ajax options, jQuery will already have done the deserialising of the JSON string back into a JavaScript object for you automatically.

What you're seeing is just what alert() does with JavaScript objects/arrays by default when trying to make them visual as text.



instead. This will print a version of your object which is serialised back to a JSON string and thus make it more human-readable.

Or you can just look in the Response section of the ajax call's entry in your Network tab (in the browser's Developer Tools).

Also if you're using a JsonResult (i.e. return Json...) you do not need to serialise the object beforehand - MVC will do it for you. So chances are you're getting double-serialised nonsense.


return Json(listt, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 

should work no problem.

deserialize JSON to JAVASCRIPT object

You could create a function that initializes those objects for you. Here's one I quickly drafted:

function parseJSONToObject(str) {
var json = JSON.parse(str);

var name = null;
for(var i in json) { //Get the first property to act as name
name = i;

if (name == null)
return null;

var obj = new window[name]();
for(var i in json[name])
obj[i] = json[name][i];

return obj;

This creates an object of the type represented by the name of the first attribute, and assigns it's values according to the attributes of the object of the first attribute. You could use it like that:

var identifier = parseJSONToObject('{"Identifier": { "name":"uno","contextId":"dos"}}');

Live example

Deserialize JSON into specific/existing JavaScript object

Yes! You can use Object.assign to overwrite the attributes of an object with another object:

var ClientState = function() {  this.userId = "";  this.telephoneState = "UNKNOWN";  this.agentState = "UNKNOWN";  this.muteState = "UNKNOWN";  this.number = "";  this.ready = false;}
var c = new ClientState();console.log('prior assignment: ', c);
Object.assign(c, { "userId": "xyz", "telephoneState": "READY", "agentState": "UNKNOWN", "muteState": "MUTED", "number": "", "ready": false});
console.log('after assignment: ', c);

Deserialize Json to search for a String

Visual Studio has a cool feature called Paste JSON as Classes that can be found under Edit > Paste Special > Paste JSON as Classes. If you think of your JSON as a Dictionary(Of String, CustomClass) then using the Paste JSON as Classes using the class information.

When I do that, I get the following output:

Public Class Rootobject
Public Property id As Integer
Public Property description As String
End Class

Using Newtonsoft, you can clean it up a little bit using decorators:

Public Class RootObject

Public Property Id As Integer

Public Property Description As String

End Class

Now that the class is setup, you can use the DeserializeObject method (documentation) to deserialize the JSON into a Dictionary(Of String, RootObject):

Dim dictionary = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Dictionary(Of String, RootObject))(json)

Once you have the Dictionary setup, you can use the ContainsKey method (documentation) to check if the entered value is in the collection and if the result returns a value then you can get the class:

Private ReadOnly _dictionary As Dictionary(Of String, RootObject)
Sub New()

' this example assumes you have the JSON literal stored in a variable named "json"
_dictionary = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Dictionary(Of String, RootObject))(json)
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonSearch_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonSearch.Click
Dim key = TextBoxSearch.Text
If (_dictionary.ContainsKey(key)) Then
Dim result = _dictionary(key)
' do something with result.Id or result.Description
End If
End Sub


Deserialize json (javascript object) to c# object

I think what you're running into here is that your objects are numbered and you can't name a class with just number. In this case your model doesn't match your JSON so all you're going to get is null. You need to modify your model to match the JSON you have and then you can map that DTO model to something nicer to use in C#.

Here's an example model that deserializes your JSON:

public class auction_id
public string name { set; get; }
public IDictionary<int, Sub_auction_id> items { set; get; }

public class Sub_auction_id
public string pos { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string address { get; set; }
public string zip { get; set; }
public string coords { get; set; }

And then deserialize like so:

public void Deserialize()
var auction = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IDictionary<int, auction_id>>(json);

How to deserialize Json to an object?

var s = "{\r\n  \"Status\": \"PLANNED\"\r\n}";
var obj = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<StatusModel>(s);

The model you have defined is incorrect.
Your model should be like this:

public class StatusModel
public string Status { get; set; }

Now value will be extracted to this model and you can access the value like:

var value = obj.Status; //"PLANNED"

How to deserialize JSON object into an interface TypeScript

Looks like the JSON.parse(json) was unnecessary. All I had to do was

const response = await fetch('');
const user: User = await response.json();

Thank you @Taplar for the solution.

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