Convert HTML Table to Array in JavaScript

Convert html table to array in javascript

Here's one example of doing what you want.

var myTableArray = [];

$("table#cartGrid tr").each(function() {
var arrayOfThisRow = [];
var tableData = $(this).find('td');
if (tableData.length > 0) {
tableData.each(function() { arrayOfThisRow.push($(this).text()); });


You could probably expand on this, say, using the text of the TH to instead create a key-value pair for each TD.

Since this implementation uses a multidimensional array, you can access a row and a td by doing something like this:

myTableArray[1][3] // Fourth td of the second tablerow

Edit: Here's a fiddle for your example:

Convert HTML table to Array (JavaScript)

You can call methods like Array#slice, Array#map, and Array#reduce on the table.rows and tr.cells NodeLists to convert your table to a nested data structure. This method will support an arbitrary number of columns in your table.

Demo Snippet

var rows = []$('table')[0].rows)
var keys = [], function(e) { return e.textContent.replace(/\s/g, '')})
var result = { return [], function(o, e, i) { o[keys[i]] = e.textContent return o }, {})})
<script src=""></script><table border='1'>  <tr>    <th>Display Name</th>    <th>Title</th>    <th>Scope</th>    <th>ID</th>    <th>Description</th>  </tr>
<tr> <td>XmlFormLibrary</td> <td>XML Form Libraries</td> <td>Web</td> <td>00bfea71-1e1d-4562-b56a-f05371bb0115</td> <td>Provides support for XML form libraries for a site.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>LinksList</td> <td>Links Lists</td> <td>Web</td> <td>00bfea71-2062-426c-90bf-714c59600103</td> <td>Provides support for links lists for a site.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>workflowProcessList</td> <td>WorkflowProcessList Feature</td> <td>Web</td> <td>00bfea71-2d77-4a75-9fca-76516689e21a</td> <td>This feature provides the ability to create a list to support running custom form actions. </td> </tr></table>

How do I convert data from html table into array of object using vanilla javascript

You can use for to loop thru each tr. Find the td on each tr, If there is only 1, store the text on currentCountry variable. If more than one, push the object to the result variable.

var currentCountry = "";var result = [];
var tr = document.querySelectorAll('table tr');
for (var i = 0; i < tr.length; i++) { var td = tr[i].querySelectorAll('td');
if (td.length === 1) currentCountry = td[0].innerHTML; else if (td.length > 1) { for (var a = 0; a < td.length; a++) { result.push({country: currentCountry,city: td[a].innerHTML}); } }}
<table>  <tbody>    <tr>      <td colspan="3">Canada</td>    </tr>    <tr>      <td>Toronto</td>      <td>Montreal</td>      <td>Vancouver</td>    </tr>    <tr>      <td colspan="3">USA</td>    </tr>    <tr>      <td>New York</td>      <td>Chicago</td>      <td>Boston</td>    </tr>    <tr>      <td>Washington</td>      <td>Detroit</td>      <td>Los Angeles</td>    </tr>  </tbody></table>

Convert table to array in JavaScript without using jQuery

With qSA and is pretty simple.

var tableInfo ='#tableId tr'), function(tr){
return'td'), function(td){
return td.innerHTML;

Convert HTML table to array

In jquery:

var tdCollection = $("table").find("td");
var array = [];
$.each(tdCollection, function(key, el){


But it would be better to set an id attribute for the table, beacuse using $(table) isn`t best way to select a certain table.

How to convert value from HTML table to JSON array in javascript

This will do the job:

const res=[...document.querySelectorAll("#stockinboundedittable tr")].slice(1).map(tr=>
return a},{});

<table style="width:100%;   border-collapse: collapse;  text-align: center;" id="stockinboundedittable">

<th style="display:none;">subcategory</th>
<th>Item Name</th>
<th> old stock</th>
<th> new stock</th>
<th> Total Stock</th>
<th> qrt</th>

<td style="display:none;">tmcsubctgy_2</td>
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="slno1editinbound1" value="1" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedititemname1" value="Fresh Goat Meat - Curry Cut" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditoldstock1" value="20" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditnewstock1" value="10" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedittotalstock1" value="30" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="inboundeditqty1">
<button style="background: #fdd110; width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditditbut1">EDIT</button>
<td style="display:none;">tmcsubctgy_5</td>
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="slno1editinbound2" value="2" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedititemname2" value="Everest - Kasur Methi" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditoldstock2" value="0" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditnewstock2" value="10" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedittotalstock2" value="10" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="inboundeditqty2">
<button style="background: #fdd110; width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditditbut2">EDIT</button>
<td style="display:none;">tmcsubctgy_13</td>
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="slno1editinbound3" value="3" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedititemname3" value="Fresh Coconut Milk 150 ml" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditoldstock3" value="10" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditnewstock3" value="10" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedittotalstock3" value="20" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="inboundeditqty3">
<button style="background: #fdd110; width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditditbut3">EDIT</button>
<td style="display:none;">tmcsubctgy_5</td>
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="slno1editinbound4" value="4" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedititemname4" value="Sakthi - Chicken Masala" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditoldstock4" value="20" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditnewstock4" value="10" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedittotalstock4" value="30" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="inboundeditqty4">
<button style="background: #fdd110; width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditditbut4">EDIT</button>
<td style="display:none;">tmcsubctgy_2</td>
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="slno1editinbound5" value="5" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedititemname5" value="Goat Bones - Regular Soup Pack" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditoldstock5" value="0" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditnewstock5" value="10" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedittotalstock5" value="10" readonly="">
<input style=" width: 100%;" id="inboundeditqty5">
<button style="background: #fdd110; width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditditbut5">EDIT</button>

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