Chosen Dropdown Within Bootstrap Modal Is Hidden Behind Modal Footer

Chosen dropdown within Bootstrap modal is hidden behind modal footer

For z-index to work, you also have to set position = relative, absolute, or fixed. Also putting z-index something like 5000 might help. (the modal is at a z index in the 2000's.

so in your css i would add this:

.class-of-dropdown {
position: relative;
z-index: 5000;

.modal-body class has a overflow-y: auto property. You might need to change this to:

.modal-body {

Chosen dropdown list Z index issue with Bootstrap Modal

There is a CSS that is causing this problem. After the modal opens, there is a div called "Another Heading" which has a class called card. This card class has a default scss which is causing the problem;

.accordion > .card{
overflow: hidden;

The solution is just to write the CSS given below to override this CSS;

.accordion > .card{
overflow: inherit;

Dropdown Hidden Inside Bootstrap Modal

This issue has been resolved after upgrading bootstrap from 3.x to 4.x, now bootstrap 4 is taking care of all these edge cases out of the box.

Chosen plugin displaying in bootstrap modal not working well

This is a CSS conflict, may be after adding class span7 to your select.

Try to apply width as an inline style to the select.

<select name="tenant" data-placeholder="Select Tenant" class="chzn_a span7" style="width: 200px;">

When I used Chosen plugin, I used class as chzn-select but you've used chzn_a.

For example: check this JSFiddle.

Bootstrap dropdown doesn't work inside modal

I assume you use the jQuery.Chosen plugin. Here's the code:

$(document).ready(function() {  $('#myModal').on('', function(e) {    console.debug('modal shown!');    $('.chosen-select', this).chosen({width: "350px"});  });
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