Check If Option Is Selected with Jquery, If Not Select a Default

Check if option is selected with jQuery, if not select a default

While I'm not sure about exactly what you want to accomplish, this bit of code worked for me.

<select id="mySelect" multiple="multiple">
<option value="1">First</option>
<option value="2">Second</option>
<option value="3">Third</option>
<option value="4">Fourth</option>

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
if (!$("#mySelect option:selected").length) {
$("#mySelect option[value='3']").attr('selected', 'selected');

How do I check if no option is selected in a selectbox using jQuery?

Another way to go is:

  if($("#language").attr("selectedIndex") == 0) {
alert("You haven't selected anything!");

Working example at:

jQuery : How to check if NO option was explicitly selected in a select box

Try This:

<select id="mySelect">
<option value="1">First</option>
<option value="2">Second</option>
<option value="3">Third</option>
<option value="4">Fourth</option>
</select><input type="button" id="btncheck" value="check"/>

Use this JS:

if ($("#mySelect ")[0].selectedIndex <= 0) {
alert("Not selected");

​It will check if your dropdown was selected.

Try this fiddle:

​Hope it helps!

PS: You will have to make first value as default value.

jquery :selected always picks first element if none are selected

If there are no select option with selected attribute, first option will be the selected option by default. You can try adding another option to top that contains default value as follow.

<select id='bill_to'>
<option value='-1'>Select<option>
<option value='a634jhj2'><option>
<option value='agfd4ghj2'><option>
<option value='asdf634jhj2'><option>
<option value='agf2342d4ghj2'><option>

If nothing is selected you will get -1 and then you can proceed.


Check if option is selected jQuery (in the current page)

you could use change event for drop down, like this:

$( ".target" ).change(function() {  alert( "Handler for .change() called." );});
<script src=""></script><form>  <select class="target">    <option value="option1" selected="selected">Option 1</option>    <option value="option2">Option 2</option>  </select></form>

How to check if an option is selected?


A more direct jQuery method to the option selected would be:

var selected_option = $('#mySelectBox option:selected');

Answering the question .is(':selected') is what you are looking for:

$('#mySelectBox option').each(function() {
if($(this).is(':selected')) ...

The non jQuery (arguably best practice) way to do it would be:

$('#mySelectBox option').each(function() {
if(this.selected) ...

Although, if you are just looking for the selected value try:


If you are looking for the selected value's text do:

$('#mySelectBox option').filter(':selected').text();

Check out:

Next time look for duplicate SO questions:

Get current selected option
Set selected option
How to get $(this) selected option in jQuery?
option[selected=true] doesn't work

jQuery - Check If any select option is selected

You can check whether a option by testing the value attribute of the select

// do something
} else {
// do something else

when dropdown is not selected then get default value using jquery

If you want the first option to be selected by default you can do like this,

$('#Select1').val($("#Select1 option:first").val());

Or more easly by,

$("#Select1")[0].selectedIndex = 0;

After for (var i = 0; i < tempArray.length; i++) { .... }

Check if options is selected

A select always has a selection.

But supposing you put an empty choice like this :

​<select id=select1>

You can test this :

if ($('#select1').val() && $('#select2').val()) {
// both have selection

EDIT : if you don't have ids or names, you may use this :

var allSelected = true:
$('#somedivid select').each(function() {
if (!$(this).val()) {
allSelected = false;

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