Check If an Element Contains a Class in JavaScript

Check if an element contains a class in JavaScript?

Use element.classList .contains method:


This works on all current browsers and there are polyfills to support older browsers too.

Alternatively, if you work with older browsers and don't want to use polyfills to fix them, using indexOf is correct, but you have to tweak it a little:

function hasClass(element, className) {
return (' ' + element.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + className+ ' ') > -1;

Otherwise you will also get true if the class you are looking for is part of another class name.


jQuery uses a similar (if not the same) method.

Applied to the example:

As this does not work together with the switch statement, you could achieve the same effect with this code:

var test = document.getElementById("test"),
classes = ['class1', 'class2', 'class3', 'class4'];

test.innerHTML = "";

for(var i = 0, j = classes.length; i < j; i++) {
if(hasClass(test, classes[i])) {
test.innerHTML = "I have " + classes[i];

It's also less redundant ;)

find whether all element contains same class or not

I would go another way. Rather than checking the 'success' class for all (form-group)s check if any form-group has an 'error' class or not. This way you don't need to loop over an extra array.

const formGroup = document.querySelectorAll('.form-group.error')

if(!formGroup.length) console.log('No error!!')

How can I check in JavaScript if a DOM element contains a class?

To get the whole value of the class atribute, use .className

From MDC:

className gets and sets the value of the class attribute of the specified element.

Since 2013, you get an extra helping hand.

Many years ago, when this question was first answered, .className was the only real solution in pure JavaScript. Since 2013, all browsers support .classList interface.


if(document.getElementById('element').classList.contains("class_one")) {

You can also do fun things with classList, like .toggle(), .add() and .remove().

MDN documentation.

Backwards compatible code:

if(document.getElementById('element').className.split(" ").indexOf("class_one") >= 0) {

Check if element has a certain class and belongs to a form that contains a certain value

To detect if an attribute on an element contains a given value you can use the Attribute contains selector. Then you can use the length property of the resulting jQuery object to determine if anything was found.

You should also note that your logic is missing the # selector prefix on the element ids you use. Try this:

function isElementValid(element, color, action) {  let $el = $('#' + element);  let matchingClass = $el.hasClass(color);  let matchingParent = $el.closest(`form[action*="${action}"]`).length != 0;  return matchingClass && matchingParent;}
console.log(isElementValid('text1', 'blue', 'page2')); // falseconsole.log(isElementValid('button1', 'blue', 'page2')); // falseconsole.log(isElementValid('text3', 'blue', 'page2')); // falseconsole.log(isElementValid('text4', 'blue', 'page2')); // trueconsole.log(isElementValid('button2', 'blue', 'page2')); // trueconsole.log(isElementValid('button3', 'blue', 'page2')); // true
<script src=""></script><form method="post" action="/page1">  <div>    <ul>      <li><input type="text" id="text1" class="red" /></li>      <li><input type="text" id="text2" class="red" /></li>      <li><button id="button1" class="blue">Enter</button></li>    </ul>  </div></form><form method="post" action="/page2">  <div>    <ul>      <li><input type="text" id="text3" class="red" /></li>      <li><input type="text" id="text4" class="blue" /></li>      <li><button id="button2" class="blue">Enter</button></li>    </ul>  </div></form><form method="post" action="/page2andpage3">  <div>    <ul>      <li><input type="text" id="text5" class="red" /></li>      <li><input type="text" id="text6" class="blue" /></li>      <li><button id="button3" class="blue">Enter</button></li>    </ul>  </div></form>

How to check if an element contains a class in javascript

Try this, I have updated it to your needs.

let change = document.getElementsByClassName('change');
for(item of change){
let para =item.querySelectorAll("p");
for(let i = 0; i < para.length; i++) {

para[i].onmouseover = function () {
para[i].style.color = "red";

para[i].onmouseout = function () {
para[i].style.color = "black";


for more details check it out here

JS/jQuery - Check if element has all classes in array

Assuming that you have something like this and want a VanillaJS solution:

<div id="list-container">
<li class="example">One</li>
<li class="example another-class">Two</li>
<li class="example">Three</li>
<li class="example">Four</li>
<li class="example">Five</li>

You can iterate the <li> elements and check the classes like this:

// Required classes array
let reqClasses = ['example', 'another-class'];

// Function to check if the element has the required classes
const hasClasses = (item) => {
var s = true;

reqClasses.forEach((classname) => {
if (!item.classList.contains(classname) && s) {
s = false;

return s;

// We get the <li> elements
let list = document

// We call the function on each element and toggle visibility depending on the return
list.forEach((item) => {
if (!hasClasses(item)) { = 'none';

Check if element contains any of multiple classes in JavaScript

You can do if(element.matches(selector)) //returns true or false where selector would be selector = ".class-1, .class-2, .class-3" in your case. This works with any CSS Selector. If you want every class to be present, you would need selector = ".class-1.class-2.class-3 for example. You can learn more about CSS-Selectors here:

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