Changing the Key Name in an Array of Objects

Changing the key name in an array of objects?

var i;
for(i = 0; i < arrayObj.length; i++){
arrayObj[i].stroke = arrayObj[i]['key1'];
delete arrayObj[i].key1;

Change some object keys on an array and maintain order

Maybe something like this:

const data = [
prop1: 'Change key but keep position',
second: 'Keep same key name and position',
prop3: 'Change key but keep position',
fourth: 'Keep same key name and position',

const renameMap = { prop1: 'first', prop3: 'third'};

const res =
obj => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).map(
([key, value]) => [renameMap[key] ?? key, value]


Javascript - Change name of all object keys in nested arrays

You can do this by using Recursion.

Check if the value of the [key-value] pair from the Object#entries() call is an object.

If so, call the transformObj function again recursively for that value. Else return the value as is.

And finally convert the array of [key-value] pairs back to an object by using Object#fromEntries:

const packages = [{ id: '641a1690-6c8b-4ada-ae97-8d82cc4fe7a3', name: 'com.sample', children: { id: 'd7384f60-e4ab-4a86-8e2e-0f66cc32f', name: '', children: { id: 'e4ab-4a86-0f66cc32f560', name: '' }}}, { id: 'd7384f60-e4ab-4a86-8e2e-0f66cc32f560', name: '' }, { id: 'ca7f972e-64ee-4cb0-80b9-1036fac69d32', name: 'java.util' }];
const replacer = { "id": "key", "name" :"title"};
const transformObj = (obj) => {
if(obj && Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === Object.prototype){
return Object.fromEntries(
.map(([k, v]) => [replacer[k] || k, transformObj(v)])
//Base case, if not an Object literal return value as is
return obj;
console.log( => transformObj(o)));

es6 rename keys in object array

Use .map to transform one array into another, and destructure the arguments for the least syntax noise:

const countries = [    {"id": 1, "name": "Afghanistan"},    {"id": 2, "name": "Albania"},    {"id": 3, "name": "Algeria"},    {"id": 4, "name": "American Samoa"}];const transformed ={ id, name }) => ({ label: id, value: name }));console.log(transformed);

How to modify or replace key inside Array of Object in Javascript

Assuming you want to convert key i to the ith letter of the alphabet (and assuming you don't go beyond i = 25), you can use String.fromCharCode and the fact that 65 translates to A:

const newArray1 = Object.fromEntries(
([key, value]) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + parseInt(key)), value]

This will convert {0: {...}, 1: {...}, 2: {...}, 3: {...}} or [{...}, {...}, {...}, {...}] into {A: {...}, B: {...}, C: {...}, D: {...}}.

How to rename key of object in an array

How about this?

var products = [{    text: 'prod1',    value: 1  },  {    text: 'prod2',    value: 2  }, {    text: 'prod3',    value: 3  }];
products.forEach(function(obj) { obj.label = obj.text; delete obj.text;});console.log(products);

How to change all key name inside nested array of objects javascript

Fun fact: if you need to walk through an object for whatever reason, JSON.stringify() is your friend.

Not because you want to turn your data into a JSON string, but because it's also an object iterator that lets you perform arbitrary processing at every level using a replacer function:

const data = [
{text: 'node 1'},
{text: 'node 2', chapter_playlist: [{text: 'node 2-1', lesson_playlist: [{text: 'node 3-1'}]}]},
{text: 'node 3'},
{text: 'node 4', chapter_playlist: [{ text: 'node 4-1' }]}

const rewriteList = [`chapter_playlist`, `lesson_playlist`];

function replacer(key, value) {
// If the value at this depth is an object (but not an iterable
// like array or Set or Map), then rebind the properties you
// need rebound, provided they exist:
if (typeof value === `object` && !value[Symbol.iterator]) {
rewriteList.forEach(prop => {
if (value[prop]) {
// By editing "value", we're directly updating "data".
value.children = value[prop];
delete value[prop];
return value;

JSON.stringify(data, replacer);


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