Canvas2D Todataurl() Different Output on Different Browser

canvas2d toDataURL() different output on different browser

Images drawn onto a canvas are decoded before being drawn, then reencoded when the toDataURL method is called.

This process will produce some variations in every browser (e.g some will be able to decode color-profiles embedded in the image while others won't), and even every machine (look at canvas fingerprinting and this post by @Oriol which concern images with transparency). Add to that that every browser will use different encoders/settings for a different tradeoff between speed, size and quality and you arrive at a situation where you can't expect two users to produce the same result from the same input image.

But since all you do with that canvas is to draw an image, you should rather use a FileReader and its method readAsDataURL(). For external files, you can still use it by first fetching the resource as a Blob.

This will work directly on the binary data of the file, encoding each byte to its base64 representation, and thus you will be sure to have the same result in every browser.

Here is a snippet which will test your browser's conversion against mine's.

.then((resp) => resp.ok && resp.blob())
.then((blob) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = (evt) => {
if (reader.result === imageDataURL) {
console.log("same result");
else {
console.log("please post a comment stating which browser has such a bug");


canvas.toDataURL() creates different base64 encoded strings on different browsers

Alright, in the end, I did have to use a 3rd party image processing library, and couldn't depend on the browser's canvas feature. Here's my solution :)

I built it on top of this image processing library.

Is canvas getImageData method machine/browser dependent?

Yes. This fact is exploited by canvas fingerprinting:

The same HTML5 Canvas element can
produce exceptional pixels on a different web browsers, depending on
the system on which it was executed.

This happens for several reasons: at the image format level — web
browsers uses different image processing engines, export options,
compression level, final images may got different hashes even if they
are pixel-perfect; at the pixmap level — operating systems use
different algorithms and settings for anti-aliasing and sub-pixel
rendering. We don't know all the reasons, but we have already
collected more than a thousand unique signatures.

HTML Canvas image bit depth changed when download on IE10+

Drawing an Image on a canvas will convert this Image from whatever format to raw 24bits of RGB + 8bits Alpha (8bits depth). Currently there is no official option to set it yourself.

All you can do is to choose which compression (jpeg, png, webp) will be used when exporting the canvas, but this compression is made on this 8bits depth raw data anyway. So whatever you do, drawing on a canvas is loosy and the result will have nothing to do with the original Image file anymore.

But anyway, your workaround is not the correct one.

Your original problem is that you want to enable the <a href="someURL" download="myFile.png"> in IE.

Instead of drawing the image on a canvas, request it through ajax as an Blob. Then you'll be able to use navigator.msSaveBlob easily :

if (browser() === 'IE') {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'get', img.src);
xhr.responseType = 'blob';
xhr.onload = function(){
window.navigator.msSaveBlob(xhr.response, imgName);

With this code, what you will download through msSaveBlob is the real file stored on the server, just like <a download>.

Important note

This will obviously work only with same-origin resources, just like <a download> and even like the canvas workaround.

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