Can You Control Gif Animation With JavaScript

Can you control GIF animation with Javascript?

You can do it with a single image using CSS sprites.

Control GIF animation with JS. Play, stop, play backwards

Yes, you can control gif with some js lib, like this:



    <div id="controller-bar">
<button id="backward" href="#">|< Step back </button>  
<button id="play" href="#"> Play | Pause </button>  
<button id="forward" href="#"> Step forward >|</button>


javascript(using jQuery):


var gif = new SuperGif({
gif: document.getElementById('example'),
loop_mode: 'auto',
auto_play: true,
draw_while_loading: false,
show_progress_bar: true,
progressbar_height: 10,
progressbar_foreground_color: 'rgba(0, 255, 4, 0.1)',
progressbar_background_color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.8)'


document.getElementById("controller-bar").style.visibility = 'visible';
loaded = true;

console.log('current: ', gif.get_current_frame());
var total_frames = gif.get_length();
if(gif.get_current_frame() == 0) {
} else {
console.log('next: ', gif.get_current_frame());

console.log('iam play');
} else {;

console.log('current: ', gif.get_current_frame());
console.log('next: ', gif.get_current_frame());


How to control gif in a webpage?

  $('.gifs a').embedly({
display: function(obj){
if (obj.type === 'photo'){

var $this = $(this);

// Create the static image src with Embedly Display.
var src = $.embedly.display.display(obj.url, {query: {animate:false} });

// Add static gif placeholder to the parent
$this.html('<img class="gif-holder" src="'+src+'" />');

// Start preloading the actually gif.
$this.append('<img class="gif-preload" src="'+obj.url+'" />');

// Create a promise so we can keep track of state.
$'promise', $.Deferred());

// Get the element we added.
var elem = $this.find('.gif-preload').get(0);

// If the image is not in cache then onload will fire when it is.
elem.onload = function(){

// If the image is already in the browsers cache call the handler.
if (elem.complete) {
// Set the static gif url so we can use it later.
$(this).data('static_url', src);
} else {
// remove li if it's not an image.
}).on('mouseenter', function(){
var $this = $(this);

// Set the hover state to true so that the load function knows to run.
$'hover', true);

// Create a function to load the gif into the image.
var load = function(){
if ($'hover') === true){
// Remove the loading image if there is one

// Swap out the static src for the actually gif.
$this.find('img.gif-holder').attr('src', $'embedly').url);
// Add the load function to the done callback. If it's already resolved
// this will fire immediately.

// Add a spinner if it's not going to play right away.
if ($'promise').state() === 'pending'){
// Add a loading spinner.
$this.append('<i class="gif-loading fa fa-spinner fa fa-spin"></i>');

// we need to center it over the image.
top: $this.height() / 2 - 20,
left: $this.width() / 2 - 20
}).on('mouseleave', function(){
var $this = $(this);

// Make sure the load function knows we are no longer in a hover state.
$'hover', false);

// Remove the spiner if it's there.

// Set the src to the static url.
$this.find('img.gif-holder').attr('src', $(this).data('static_url'));

Giving best animation You can use these codes in java script file

How to play a gif only on onclick in javascript

Here you go :

number = 0;var animations = ['',  '',  ''];

var refreshIntervalId = setInterval(function() { image = document.getElementById('hiddenimageid'); image.src = animations[number];},1)

function character() {clearInterval(refreshIntervalId); image = document.getElementById('hiddenimageid'); image.src = animations[number];
console.log(number); number++;

.board {  position: absolute;  top: 4.3vh;  left: 10vw;  cursor: pointer;}
.board img { width: 35.3vw; height: 45.5vh; border-radius: 15%;}
<body onclick="character();">
<div class="board"> <img src="" id="hiddenimageid" /> </div></body>

How to use JS to trigger a GIF animation?

Try adding the image with a randomly generated querystring so it looks like a new image to the browser.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function randomString() {
var chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
var string_length = 8;
var randomstring = '';
for (var i=0; i<string_length; i++) {
var rnum = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length);
randomstring += chars.substring(rnum,rnum+1);
document.randform.randomfield.value = randomstring;
$('#plus').attr('src','img/plus.gif?x=' + randomString())

JavaScript to control image animation?

I know this is old but I'd give option 3, which is something similar to option 2 with a twist.

Instead of loading frames, you'd have to load a big spritemap with all frames and possibly a map of all animation + coordinates. You'd have the sprite as a background for a div using the right dimension. You'd have to just move the background image to the right frame.

You could have all event on a different line and each animation frames on a different column. This will make a grid that you can easily control.


  • Good control over animation and frames
  • Probably faster than loading or switching between images
  • You don't have to create multiple connections to the server to load all animations
  • Png gives you better alpha result than gif


  • You have to handle all the animations by yourself

controlling the time to load and play animated gifs

From my point of view, CSS Sprites will give you better support that you wanted in your animation. Most important thing you need is to control over animation.

As you don't have any control over animated GIFs. You can't start them, you can't stop them, only thing they just do is to animate as soon as they load.

On the otherhand, with sprites, you can control the animation. Most importantly you can start, stop and react to browser events, pan through the animation.

As reference you can see Google Doodles which only activates when you only click on them.

For active reference, you can see the blog which might inspire you to use CSS Sprites.

Again, it's only opinion. Decisions is yours which one you will use for animation.

How to stop an animated gif from looping

Not sure if this is the best way to respond to everyone and have it appear after all the previous answers and comments, but it seems to work.

I don't have much control over the gif. People post whatever gif they want as the "thankyou.gif in their account directory and then the ThankYou code runs whatever they've put there when a comment is submitted to a form they've posted. So some may loop, some may not, some may be short, some may be long. The solution I've come to is to tell people to make them 5 seconds, because that's when I'm going to fade them out, and I don't care if they loop or not.

Thanks for all the ideas.

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