Are JavaScript Strings Immutable? Do I Need a "String Builder" in JavaScript

Are JavaScript strings immutable? Do I need a string builder in JavaScript?

They are immutable. You cannot change a character within a string with something like var myString = "abbdef"; myString[2] = 'c'. The string manipulation methods such as trim, slice return new strings.

In the same way, if you have two references to the same string, modifying one doesn't affect the other

let a = b = "hello";
a = a + " world";
// b is not affected

However, I've always heard what Ash mentioned in his answer (that using Array.join is faster for concatenation) so I wanted to test out the different methods of concatenating strings and abstracting the fastest way into a StringBuilder. I wrote some tests to see if this is true (it isn't!).

This was what I believed would be the fastest way, though I kept thinking that adding a method call may make it slower...

function StringBuilder() {
this._array = [];
this._index = 0;

StringBuilder.prototype.append = function (str) {
this._array[this._index] = str;

StringBuilder.prototype.toString = function () {
return this._array.join('');

Here are performance speed tests. All three of them create a gigantic string made up of concatenating "Hello diggity dog" one hundred thousand times into an empty string.

I've created three types of tests

  • Using Array.push and Array.join
  • Using Array indexing to avoid Array.push, then using Array.join
  • Straight string concatenation

Then I created the same three tests by abstracting them into StringBuilderConcat, StringBuilderArrayPush and StringBuilderArrayIndex Please go there and run tests so we can get a nice sample. Note that I fixed a small bug, so the data for the tests got wiped, I will update the table once there's enough performance data. Go to for the old data table.

Here are some numbers (Latest update in Ma5rch 2018), if you don't want to follow the link. The number on each test is in 1000 operations/second (higher is better)

Chrome 71.0.35789881006290296310082902
Firefox 65197919022197191718731953
Exploder 11655532761537567387
Opera 58.0.3135113512004357113711884294

How to make mutation of a string? JavaScript

You are trying to change a primitive String, which is immutable in Javascript.

For exmaple, something like below:

var myObject = new String('my value');
var myPrimitive = 'my value';

function myFunc(x) {
x.mutation = 'my other value';


console.log('myObject.mutation:', myObject.mutation);
console.log('myPrimitive.mutation:', myPrimitive.mutation);

Should output:

myObject.mutation: my other value
myPrimitive.mutation: undefined

But you can define a function in primitive String's prototype, like:

String.prototype.replaceAt=function(index, replacement) {
return this.substr(0, index) + replacement+ this.substr(index + replacement.length);

var hello="Hello World"
hello = hello.replaceAt(2, "!!")) //should display He!!o World

Or you can just assign another value to s.a, as s.a = 'Hello World'

If strings are immutable in Javascript, why does the += operator work the way it does?

I think it's because of the short hand addition operator (+=) you're using.
It's actually doing 2 operations first addition then assignment.

let x = 2;
x += 2;
// The above line is equivalent to the following.
x = x + 2;

So for you're example

let str = "hello";
str += "world"; // is the same as
str = str + "world";

So we are making a new string by str + "world" then assigning it to our str variable. So it's still immutable :)

Why the first code works and the second does not work?

item.toUpperCase(); returns the uppercased string that is why when you do
item = item.toUpperCase(); the uppercased string is assigned to item and since item is a array element, the element is changed by its reference.

Javascript string object readonly?

Strings are immutable, so yes. a should be reassigned if you want to change the string. You can also use slice: a = 'j'+a.slice(1), or a replace: a = a.replace(/^h/i,'j').

You could create a custom mutable String object, something like this experiment (esp. see method replaceCharAt).

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