Apply Multiple Styles with .Style() Method in D3.Js

Apply multiple styles with .style() method in D3.js

Edit (2021):

Note: I claimed (in initial version of this answer) that there's no embedded method to solve the OP's problem. And, as of D3 v6.7.0 you still cannot pass your styles as an object directly to .style() method

Two options you got by the time of this writing:

  • loop through your styles object and apply the styles incrementally

const style = {"width":"100px","height":"100px","background-color":"lightgreen"}

Object.entries(style).forEach(([prop,val]) =>"#test").style(prop,val))
<script src=""></script><div id="test"></div>

d3 chart: how to set multiple css properties for d3 chart

Here's an example, you can pass a style object into the .style() function with d3.js V3:

const width = 200;

const svg ='svg')
.attr('width', '100%')
.attr('viewBox', `0 0 ${width} ${width}`);

.attr("x", width / 2 )
.attr("y", 0)
'alignment-baseline': "hanging",
"text-anchor": "middle",
"font-size": 12,
.text("Title of Diagram");
<script src=""></script>

D3.js setting multiple styles dynamically

In this case, I would use the .each() function (or maybe .call()) to run a function on each (or all at once) selected elements. In this function, you can, based on data or something else, add styles, attributes etc.

The basic code would look like this.

function someFunc(d) {
if(d.something) {"foo", "bar"); }
if(d.somethingElse) {"bar", "foo"); }

Can you set style in d3 via something like{color:blah, background:blah})?

Only works on D3 v3:

To quote the documentation:

If you want to set several style properties at once, use an object literal like so:{'stroke': 'black', 'stroke-width': 2})

This isn't possible with functions though, so in your case you still have to use the "long form".

style method does not take object

According to d3.js documentation,value) accepts single name-value pairs (value can be a constant or a function accepting d,i,data as usual), but not objects

If you want to set multiple style properties, you need to use multiple style() functions

.style('background', function(d){ return d.background; })
.style('width', function(d){return d.width; });

EDIT: Or use the d3-selection-multi library as Eric Guan pointed in his answer:

D3: adding style and class to DIV results in styles discarded

You just forget the "px":

var aWindow =
// <div style="top:30px; left:40px; width:50px; height:50px;"></div>
.style("top",y + "px")
.style("left",x + "px")
.style("width",width + "px")
.style("height",height + "px");

Can selectAll() in d3 js take css style also as parameter?


Selects all elements that match the specified selector string. The elements will be selected in document order (top-to-bottom). If no elements in the document match the selector, or if the selector is null or undefined, returns an empty selection. For example, to select all paragraphs:

var paragraph = d3.selectAll("p");

1) In your example, .legend is a class selector. It is being passed as an argument to selectAll to match all DOM elements that have a class of legend.

2) .legend is not a CSS style itself. But it can be used in CSS as a selector to apply some style properties to the elements that match said selector.

3) selectAll accepts only one argument: a selector string. That could simply be "p" or it could be ".content .items > li".

Have a look below how we can use both CSS & D3 to apply different styles.

"color": "green"
nav a {
color: red
<script src=""></script>
<li><a href="#nowhere" title="Lorum ipsum dolor sit amet">Lorem</a></li>
<li><a href="#nowhere" title="Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus">Aliquam</a></li>
<li><a href="#nowhere" title="Morbi in sem quis dui placerat ornare" class="highlight">Morbi</a></li>
<li><a href="#nowhere" title="Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus">Praesent</a></li>
<li><a href="#nowhere" title="Pellentesque fermentum dolor" class="highlight">Pellentesque</a></li>

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