Adding Custom Http Headers Using JavaScript

How can I add a custom HTTP header to ajax request with js or jQuery?

There are several solutions depending on what you need...

If you want to add a custom header (or set of headers) to an individual request then just add the headers property:

// Request with custom header
url: 'foo/bar',
headers: { 'x-my-custom-header': 'some value' }

If you want to add a default header (or set of headers) to every request then use $.ajaxSetup():

headers: { 'x-my-custom-header': 'some value' }

// Sends your custom header
$.ajax({ url: 'foo/bar' });

// Overwrites the default header with a new header
$.ajax({ url: 'foo/bar', headers: { 'x-some-other-header': 'some value' } });

If you want to add a header (or set of headers) to every request then use the beforeSend hook with $.ajaxSetup():

beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('x-my-custom-header', 'some value');

// Sends your custom header
$.ajax({ url: 'foo/bar' });

// Sends both custom headers
$.ajax({ url: 'foo/bar', headers: { 'x-some-other-header': 'some value' } });

Edit (more info): One thing to be aware of is that with ajaxSetup you can only define one set of default headers and you can only define one beforeSend. If you call ajaxSetup multiple times, only the last set of headers will be sent and only the last before-send callback will execute.

Using Javascript to add custom http header and trigger file download

I think this solves your problem:

function toBinaryString(data) {
var ret = [];
var len = data.length;
var byte;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
byte=( data.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF )>>> 0;
ret.push( String.fromCharCode(byte) );

return ret.join('');

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest; "GET", "" );

xhr.addEventListener( "load", function(){
var data = toBinaryString(this.responseText);
data = "data:application/text;base64,"+btoa(data);
document.location = data;
}, false);

xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "access_token" );
xhr.overrideMimeType( "application/octet-stream; charset=x-user-defined;" );

Modified answer to fit your needs.

Add a custom header to $http

Create a new HttpHeaders() from here.

Then add your header: .append('My_Header', $rootScope.value).

Now use these new headers for your request.

How to add a custom HTTP header to ajax request with js or jQuery

there is no issue in jQuery code this is because you made a cross origin request. try to use in this way

Make browser submit additional HTTP-Header if click on hyperlink

The only modern 'sane' option here is to use a ServiceWorker.

A ServiceWorker can intercept HTTP requests for a domain you control and decorate it with more headers.

A ServiceWorker works 'outside' of a browser tab, and if multiple tabs are open with the same website, the same serviceworker will be used for all of them.

A full tutorial on how to accomplish that is definitely too much for this answer box, but intercepting and doing stuff with HTTP requests is a big use-case, so off-site sources will usually have this as an example.

I would say that this is kind of a bad idea. If you think you need this, maybe you can handle this in a different way. A common way to do this might be using cookies instead.

How to set custom HTTP response headers in Next.js without using a custom server?

It's probably not possible without tradeoffs. Next.js has Automatic Static Optimization, so pages that can be statically exported will be exported to plain .html files. And .html files require no code execution on a server so there is no place to add a custom HTTP header.

Alternatively, you could add custom HTTP headers on every response with getServerSideProps in _app.js:

export async function getServerSideProps(context) {

// set HTTP header
context.res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')

return {
props: {}, // will be passed to the page component as props

But having getServerSideProps would disable static optimization as all pages will be only server-side rendered.

Server-side Rendering

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