Adding a Background Video with React

How to embed a LOCAL video on a div background in React

First of all, thanks for everyone who tried to help me.

After inserting "controls" for video attribute, I noticed that the video was playing in background, but just BLANK (white video with controls). I followed some instructions from another post to config 'file-loader' for mp4 format. I did, but after the procedure still not worked.

Webpack 3 locates .mp4 file but video is not playable

Next, I rendered a new video file and then worked. So I can't clearly identify the source of the problem. I guess something happen on the first time I rendered the file, so probably was the VIDEO FORMAT.

For file rendering I used:
Kdenlive for Linux
Video HD 1080p 25 fps
render format: Generic (HD for web) > MP4-H264/AAC

Hope this can give a new approach for those with the same problem.

How can I make my background video full screen in react?

Set the position: fix, along with top & left properties. this will ensure the entire background area is covered.

In your case this will be in the variable VideoBg

video {
object-fit: cover;
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;


Get my background video and image to change depending on what page(route) you are on

I fixed this by just calling the Background component into each page, was repeating code a bit but made it a lot easier!

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