Addeventlistener("Click",...) Firing Immediately

addEventListener(click,...) firing immediately

When you are binding event you are calling the function document.getElementById("tooltip-link1").addEventListener("click",displayTooltip(2));

You need to pass reference to the function.

Change to below

document.getElementById("tooltip-link1").addEventListener("click", function(){

Event Listener Callback Fires Immediately When Set Inside The Callback of Another Event Listener. ReactJS

When you click on the input, few events occur such as mousedown, mouseup, focus click. (fyi - click happens when a mousedown and mouseup event occur on the same element). In chrome, focus handler is executed first and then the click handler is executed (if the handlers exist).

Now, in your code when you click on the input, focusHandler is executed where a click handler is attached to the window. By the time the js engine finishes the execution of focusHandler, there is a click handler registered already. So as soon as focusHandler is executed, the js engine realises that 'ah, there is a clickHandler that I need to execute it. Let me do it' . Hence your clickHandler fires immediately.

You can test it by attaching event handler in a setTimeout. In below code, js engine has no clickHandler to execute after focusHandler execution is finished. So click handler won't fire immediately.

const focusHandler = e => {
setTimeout(() => window.addEventListener("click", clickHandler), 1000);

Why does addEventListener fire before the event if at all?

The root of your problem is here:

button.addEventListener("click", addTextNode(button.innerHTML))

You're executing the function rather than passing it to the event listener. Instead, pass the function by reference, then get the innerHTML inside the function.

function addTextNode() {
var newtext = document.createTextNode(this.innerHTML),
p1 = document.getElementById("p1");


var btns = document.getElementsByTagName("button");

for(i = 0; i < btns.length; i++){
var button = btns[i];
button.addEventListener("click", addTextNode);

AddEventListener fires automatically upon assignment

Add e.stopPropagation() at the end of your box function :

function box(e) {
var pop = document.getElementById("mspop"); = "block";
document.addEventListener("click", clik);

See this fiddle :

What is happening is that when you click on your li element, the click is then transmitted to the container, and so on up to the window (the so-called event bubbling), and as you have added a event listener on the document (which is between your li and the window), it is being triggered.

The solution proposed here, e.stopPropagation stops the propagation so that the click on the document is not triggered.

UPDATE : Another way is to delayed shortly the adding of the new eventListener : :

function box(e) {
var pop = document.getElementById("mspop"); = "block";

setTimeout(function() {
document.addEventListener("click", clik);
}, 10);

Javascript click event listener fires only once

After many more hours, I've finally figured it out. The problem was essentially the highly dynamic content of the new Twitter website. After submitting a tweet, the Tweet button gets indeed removed and added again. In needed to do a serious of changes:

  • Use a MutationObserver to keep track of any changes. Every time there's a change, call the initialize() function. To avoid too many calls, I do this in case of certain changes (unnecessary detail here)

  • Change the addSubmitNewTweetClickHandler() method so that the event listener first gets removed in order to avoid duplicate listeners (please note that I use objects hence the use of this compared to my original question)

    addSubmitNewTweetClickHandler : function() {
    let that = this;
    let buttonSubmitTweet = document.querySelector("div[data-testid='tweetButtonInline']");
    buttonSubmitTweet.removeEventListener('click', this.handleSubmitNewTweetClick );
    this.handleSubmitNewTweetClick = this.handleSubmitNewTweetClick.bind(this)
    buttonSubmitTweet.addEventListener('click', this.handleSubmitNewTweetClick );

    This change required to create the reference function handleSubmitNewTweetClick

Overall, it's still not a perfect solution since I call initialize() many unnecessary time. However, I failed to reliably identify when the Tweet button was added to the document. When I used the MutationObserver none of the added nodes had the attribute data-testid which I need to identify the correct button. I have node idea why this attribute was not there. Maybe the attribute is added some times after added to button, but even with an additional MutationObserver looking for attribute changes I could detect this.

Anyway, it works now and it's only for a prototype.

javascript click event handler fires without clicking

You are directly calling it.

document.getElementById("main_btn").addEventListener("click", hideId("main");

You should do that in a callback.

document.getElementById("main_btn").addEventListener("click", function (){

addEventListener calls the function without me even asking it to

Quoting Ian's answer:

Since the second parameter expects a function reference, you need to provide one. With your problematic code, you're immediately calling the function and passing its result (which is undefined...because all the function does is alert and doesn't return anything). Either call the function in an anonymous function (like your first example) or alter the function to return a function.

function message_me(m_text){

function() {

Here's an updated fiddle.

When I call .addEventListener(click, myFunction(i), false); It runs my function on the call and not on the click

addEventListener needs to assign the function variable. In your code you are calling the function immediately using (). To fix it you can remove them.

classname[selected].addEventListener("click", formating, false);

To pass argument to your function you can either wrap it in an anonymous function and call it or use bind (source):

classname[selected].addEventListener('click', formating.bind(null, event, arg1, ... ));

Prevent Event Listener firing event multiple times

useEffect(() => {
var foo1 = (e) => {
if (e.code === "ArrowUp") {
if (props.selectInterval - 1 >= 0) {
props.setSelectInterval(props.selectInterval - 1);
if (e.code === "ArrowDown") {
if (props.selectInterval + 1 < props.row.length) {
props.setSelectInterval(props.selectInterval + 1);
document.addEventListener("keyup", foo1);
return () => {
document.removeEventListener("keyup", foo1);
}, [props.selectInterval]);

well this works for me! thanks to both contributors above!

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