Why Are the Rsa-Sha256 Signatures I Generate with Openssl and Java Different

Why are the RSA-SHA256 signatures I generate with OpenSSL and Java different?

openssl dgst -sha256 < data.txt

produces something like:

(stdin)= b39eaeb437e33087132f01c2abc60c6a16904ee3771cd7b0d622d01061b40729

notice the (stdin)='? you don't want that to be part of your hash, if you need to create a digest, use the -binary option.

try using this to sign your data:

openssl sha -sha256 -sign private.pem < data.txt

This does everything you need.

edit - a little more explanations:

let's create a digest and show it

$ openssl dgst -sha256 -binary < data.txt > digest
$ hd digest
00000000 26 3b 0a a1 2e b9 32 db b8 dc d3 6f 37 94 0b 05 |&;....2....o7...|
00000010 71 9c ba 79 46 34 28 9f 5c 5b 98 9a 64 61 c9 ec |q..yF4(.\[..da..|

now we take this digest and sign int using rsautl:

$ openssl rsautl -sign -inkey private.pem < digest > sign1
$ hd sign1
00000000 1b 7a cf a4 8d 41 8e 04 ed 3a bb ba 86 f1 f8 e0 |.z...A...:......|
00000010 df f7 47 3e d7 a7 f4 90 7a 05 f8 7f 45 e5 29 e7 |..G>....z...E.).|
00000020 9f f4 2c 91 97 2f e7 26 69 9f 6a 07 a3 48 1b 85 |..,../.&i.j..H..|
00000030 2e f8 ee 44 4d 25 9f ae 05 95 81 c9 e3 07 68 ad |...DM%........h.|

now let's sign the same file using dgst directly:

$ openssl dgst -sha256 -sign private.pem < data.txt > sign2
$ hd sign2
00000000 15 c2 94 87 eb e6 cb 45 c8 63 0c 97 60 d3 07 f3 |.......E.c..`...|
00000010 dc 65 32 ad 44 1c c2 2a 7f a3 e1 fc dd 84 27 8c |.e2.D..*......'.|
00000020 77 a6 97 2b 33 6b c6 d7 7d e1 1d 39 5c 48 b6 48 |w..+3k..}..9\H.H|
00000030 cb 18 be bf 6a 66 90 d3 88 89 52 6c dd d1 b9 99 |....jf....Rl....|

So what's different here? To see that, we can verify the signature and show the raw output. Both files do contain the digest, but the metadata and padding is different:

$ openssl rsautl -raw -verify -inkey private.pem < sign1 | hd
00000000 00 01 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff |................|
00000010 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 |................|
00000020 26 3b 0a a1 2e b9 32 db b8 dc d3 6f 37 94 0b 05 |&;....2....o7...|
00000030 71 9c ba 79 46 34 28 9f 5c 5b 98 9a 64 61 c9 ec |q..yF4(.\[..da..|

$ openssl rsautl -raw -verify -inkey private.pem < sign2 | hd
00000000 00 01 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 30 31 30 |.............010|
00000010 0d 06 09 60 86 48 01 65 03 04 02 01 05 00 04 20 |...`.H.e....... |
00000020 26 3b 0a a1 2e b9 32 db b8 dc d3 6f 37 94 0b 05 |&;....2....o7...|
00000030 71 9c ba 79 46 34 28 9f 5c 5b 98 9a 64 61 c9 ec |q..yF4(.\[..da..|

To see this more clearly, we can try to use the -asn1parse flag, which won't work for the first signature, but for the second it shows the correct structure of the signature:

$ openssl rsautl -verify -inkey private.pem -asn1parse < sign1
Error in encoding
139931349546656:error:0D07209B:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_get_object:too long:asn1_lib.c:142:

$ openssl rsautl -verify -inkey private.pem -asn1parse < sign2
0:d=0 hl=2 l= 49 cons: SEQUENCE
2:d=1 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SEQUENCE
4:d=2 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :sha256
15:d=2 hl=2 l= 0 prim: NULL
17:d=1 hl=2 l= 32 prim: OCTET STRING
0000 - 26 3b 0a a1 2e b9 32 db-b8 dc d3 6f 37 94 0b 05 &;....2....o7...
0010 - 71 9c ba 79 46 34 28 9f-5c 5b 98 9a 64 61 c9 ec q..yF4(.\[..da..

OpenSSL and Java yield different SHA256 RSA signatures

If I add a \n:

        signature.update("Hello, World\n".getBytes("UTF-8"));

I get:


Difference between RSA Sign with Java and openssl rsautl -sign

According to the answer here, while signing:

Java does:

[hash data -> ASN.1 encode -> Pad -> modexp]

openssl only does:

[Pad -> modexp]

So I had to skip the first two steps in Java, so that it matches openssl rsautl -sign
To do that I looked at the code in the RSASignature class.

byte[] toBePadded = inputData.getBytes();
RSAPadding padding = RSAPadding.getInstance(1, 512, SecureRandom.getInstanceStrong());
byte[] toBeSigned = padding.pad(toBePadded);
byte[] opensslSignature = RSACore.rsa(toBeSigned, (RSAPrivateKey) privateKey, true);

Edit: Easier to just use "NONEwithRSA" signature type:
Signature sig = Signature.getInstance("NONEwithRSA");

Signature differs in JAVA and OpenSSL CLI

The sha1 digest in Java code is not needed. SHA1withRSA signature algorithm will do it, so you are hashing twice


 MessageDigest sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
byte[] digest = sha1.digest(My_Message.getBytes());

And use directly sign.update(messageBytes);

See also this if you have problems Why are the RSA-SHA256 signatures I generate with OpenSSL and Java different?

SHA-1 is no longer considered secure. You should not use it

Different RSA signatures when using OpenSSL and Android

I had different output signing String with command "openssl pkeyutl -sign ..." and java code:

Signature sig = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withRSA");

changing to this fingerprint finally I got the same output:

Signature sig = Signature.getInstance("NONEwithRSA");

Why are the RSA signatures I generate with openssl and golang different?

In addition to the newline added by echo described in helmbert’s answer, the OpenSSL rsautl command operates directly on the supplied data, while the Go code first hashes the data with SHA256 and then signs the resulting digest.

To perform the same as the Go code with OpenSSL, you can use the dgst command with the -sign option (note I’ve included the -n option to echo here too):

$ echo -n "Test." | openssl dgst -sha256 -sign private.key -hex

To go the other way and sign the raw message without hashing in Go code, you can pass 0 as the value of the hash argument to rsa.SignPKCS1v15:

indata := []byte("Test.")

s, err := rsa.SignPKCS1v15(nil, privKey, 0, indata)

Multiple OpenSSL RSA signing methods produce different results

Dupe: Difference between openSSL rsautl and dgst

Closely related:

Why are the RSA-SHA256 signatures I generate with OpenSSL and Java different?

Different signatures when using C routines and openssl dgst, rsautl commands

Signing 20-byte message with 256-bit RSA key working with openssl.exe but not in code

Crossdupe: https://superuser.com/questions/943972/what-is-the-difference-between-openssl-pkeyutl-sign-and-openssl-rsautl-sign

TLDR: dgst -sign for RSA does the full RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5: hash the data, encode the hash in ASN.1, pad the result, and modexp d. rsautl -sign does only the last two and dgst by itself only the first, thus skipping the encode producing a different and nonstandard signature. dgst (or your own hash) then pkeyutl -sign with an RSA key and -pkeyopt digest:name_of_digest (important!) also works and answers your real question.

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