What's the Difference Between Getpath(), Getabsolutepath(), and Getcanonicalpath() in Java

What's the difference between getPath(), getAbsolutePath(), and getCanonicalPath() in Java?

Consider these filenames:

C:\temp\file.txt - This is a path, an absolute path, and a canonical path.

.\file.txt - This is a path. It's neither an absolute path nor a canonical path.

C:\temp\myapp\bin\..\\..\file.txt - This is a path and an absolute path. It's not a canonical path.

A canonical path is always an absolute path.

Converting from a path to a canonical path makes it absolute (usually tack on the current working directory so e.g. ./file.txt becomes c:/temp/file.txt). The canonical path of a file just "purifies" the path, removing and resolving stuff like ..\ and resolving symlinks (on unixes).

Also note the following example with nio.Paths:

String canonical_path_string = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\";
String absolute_path_string = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\drivers\\..\\";


While both paths refer to the same location, the output will be quite different:


what's the difference between canonicalpath and absolutepath?

The difference is that there is only one canonical path to a file[1], while there can be many absolute paths to a file (depending on the system). For instance, on a Unix system, /usr/local/../bin is the same as /usr/bin. getCanonicalPath() resolves those ambiguities and returns the (unique) canonical path. So if the current directory was /usr/local, then:

File file = new File("../bin");

would print:




Per Voo's suggestion: on Unix systems, getCanonicalPath() will also resolve symbolic links if the symbolic link exists. Hard links are treated like normal files (which is basically what they are). Note, however, that a file need not exist for these methods to succeed.

[1] Well, not quite. As @Tom Hale points out in a comment, if the file system supports hard-linked directories, there may be multiple canonical paths to a given file.

getCanonicalPath different from getAbsolutePath - adding /private

You should not run ls -al on the final path. If you were looking for a symlink you would have to step from the first folder downwards to the file. Luckily this process is quickly over since ls -la / yields amongst others:

lrwxr-xr-x@  1 root  wheel     11 Jan 11 14:16 var -> private/var

Meaning it is in fact a symlink and therefore the canonical paths "expands" the link.

What is the different between getAbsolutePath and getCanonicalPath

Suppose /home was actually a symbolic link to /usr/home. Then getAbsolutePath would still return /home/kit.ho/ whereas getCanonicalPath would resolve the symlink and return /usr/home/kit.ho/.

Difference between getCanonicalPath and toRealPath


  • getAbsolutePath and getPath never fail as they don't do validation
  • getCanonicalPath reach invalid results when drive letter from url is invalid or different than the current folder
  • toPath().toRealPath() is checking the validity but the file needs to exist and can also follow or not follow symbolic links
  • toPath() is safe enough and doesn't need the file to exist.
  • .toPath().toAbsolutePath().normalize() is the best one without the need for file to exist

I did a similar test of @John in windows

public void testCanonical() throws IOException {
test("d:tarGet\\..\\Target", "File exist and drive letter is on the current one");
test("d:tarGet\\..\\Target\\.\\..\\", "File exist and drive letter is on the current one, but parent of current drive should exist");
test("d:tarGet\\non-existent\\..\\..\\Target\\.\\..\\", "Relative path contains non-existent file");
test("d:target\\\\file", "Double slash");
test("c:tarGet\\..\\Target\\.", "File doesn't exist and drive letter is on different drive than the current one");
test("l:tarGet\\..\\Target\\.\\..\\", "Drive letter doesn't exist");
test("za:tarGet\\..\\Target\\.\\..\\", "Drive letter is double so not valid");
test("d:tarGet|Suffix", "Path contains invalid chars in windows (|)");
test("d:tarGet\u0000Suffix", "Path contains invalid chars in both linux and windows (\\0)");

private void test(String filename, String message) throws IOException {
java.io.File file = new java.io.File(filename);
System.out.println("Use: " + filename + " -> " + message);
System.out.println("F-GET: " + Try.of(() -> file.getPath()));
System.out.println("F-ABS: " + Try.of(() -> file.getAbsolutePath()));
System.out.println("F-CAN: " + Try.of(() -> file.getCanonicalPath()));
System.out.println("P-TO: " + Try.of(() -> file.toPath()));
System.out.println("P-ABS: " + Try.of(() -> file.toPath().toAbsolutePath()));
System.out.println("P-NOR: " + Try.of(() -> file.toPath().normalize()));
System.out.println("P-NOR-ABS: " + Try.of(() -> file.toPath().normalize().toAbsolutePath()));
System.out.println("P-ABS-NOR: " + Try.of(() -> file.toPath().toAbsolutePath().normalize()));
System.out.println("P-REAL: " + Try.of(() -> file.toPath().toRealPath()));

The results are:

Use:  d:tarGet\..\Target -> File exist and drive letter is on the current one
F-GET: Success(d:tarGet\..\Target)
F-ABS: Success(d:\home\raiser\work\restfs\tarGet\..\Target)
F-CAN: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs\target)
P-TO: Success(d:tarGet\..\Target)
P-ABS: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs\tarGet\..\Target)
P-NOR: Success(d:Target)
P-NOR-ABS: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs\Target)
P-ABS-NOR: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs\Target)
P-REAL: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs\target)

Use: d:tarGet\..\Target\.\..\ -> File exist and drive letter is on the current one, but parent of current drive should exist
F-GET: Success(d:tarGet\..\Target\.\..)
F-ABS: Success(d:\home\raiser\work\restfs\tarGet\..\Target\.\..)
F-CAN: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs)
P-TO: Success(d:tarGet\..\Target\.\..)
P-ABS: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs\tarGet\..\Target\.\..)
P-NOR: Success(d:)
P-NOR-ABS: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs\)
P-ABS-NOR: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs)
P-REAL: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs)

Use: d:tarGet\non-existent\..\..\Target\.\..\ -> Relative path contains non-existent file
F-GET: Success(d:tarGet\non-existent\..\..\Target\.\..)
F-ABS: Success(d:\home\raiser\work\restfs\tarGet\non-existent\..\..\Target\.\..)
F-CAN: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs)
P-TO: Success(d:tarGet\non-existent\..\..\Target\.\..)
P-ABS: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs\tarGet\non-existent\..\..\Target\.\..)
P-NOR: Success(d:)
P-NOR-ABS: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs\)
P-ABS-NOR: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs)
P-REAL: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs)

Use: d:target\\file -> Double slash
F-GET: Success(d:target\file)
F-ABS: Success(d:\home\raiser\work\restfs\target\file)
F-CAN: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs\target\file)
P-TO: Success(d:target\file)
P-ABS: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs\target\file)
P-NOR: Success(d:target\file)
P-NOR-ABS: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs\target\file)
P-ABS-NOR: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs\target\file)
P-REAL: Failure(java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: D:\home\raiser\work\restfs\target\file)

Use: c:tarGet\..\Target\. -> File doesn't exist and drive letter is on different drive than the current one
F-GET: Success(c:tarGet\..\Target\.)
F-ABS: Success(c:\\tarGet\..\Target\.)
F-CAN: Success(C:\Target)
P-TO: Success(c:tarGet\..\Target\.)
P-ABS: Success(C:\tarGet\..\Target\.)
P-NOR: Success(c:Target)
P-NOR-ABS: Success(C:\Target)
P-ABS-NOR: Success(C:\Target)
P-REAL: Failure(java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: C:\Target)

Use: l:tarGet\..\Target\.\..\ -> Drive letter doesn't exist
F-GET: Success(l:tarGet\..\Target\.\..)
F-ABS: Success(l:\tarGet\..\Target\.\..)
F-CAN: Success(L:\)
P-TO: Success(l:tarGet\..\Target\.\..)
P-ABS: Failure(java.io.IOError: java.io.IOException: Unable to get working directory of drive 'L')
P-NOR: Success(l:)
P-NOR-ABS: Failure(java.io.IOError: java.io.IOException: Unable to get working directory of drive 'L')
P-ABS-NOR: Failure(java.io.IOError: java.io.IOException: Unable to get working directory of drive 'L')
P-REAL: Failure(java.io.IOException: Unable to get working directory of drive 'L')

Use: za:tarGet\..\Target\.\..\ -> Drive letter is double so not valid
F-GET: Success(za:tarGet\..\Target\.\..)
F-ABS: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs\za:tarGet\..\Target\.\..)
F-CAN: Success(D:\home\raiser\work\restfs)
P-TO: Failure(java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 2: za:tarGet\..\Target\.\..)
P-ABS: Failure(java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 2: za:tarGet\..\Target\.\..)
P-NOR: Failure(java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 2: za:tarGet\..\Target\.\..)
P-NOR-ABS: Failure(java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 2: za:tarGet\..\Target\.\..)
P-ABS-NOR: Failure(java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 2: za:tarGet\..\Target\.\..)
P-REAL: Failure(java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 2: za:tarGet\..\Target\.\..)

Use: d:tarGet|Suffix -> Path contains invalid chars in windows (|)
F-GET: Success(d:tarGet|Suffix)
F-ABS: Success(d:\home\raiser\work\restfs\tarGet|Suffix)
F-CAN: Failure(java.io.IOException: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)
P-TO: Failure(java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <|> at index 8: d:tarGet|Suffix)
P-ABS: Failure(java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <|> at index 8: d:tarGet|Suffix)
P-NOR: Failure(java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <|> at index 8: d:tarGet|Suffix)
P-NOR-ABS: Failure(java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <|> at index 8: d:tarGet|Suffix)
P-ABS-NOR: Failure(java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <|> at index 8: d:tarGet|Suffix)
P-REAL: Failure(java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <|> at index 8: d:tarGet|Suffix)

Is there a way to distinguish between 2XX and 304 responses in Gatling and show it in the report?

Not with the free version.

This chart is available in the Enterprise version though.

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