The Literal Xyz of Type Int Is Out of Range

Can anyone tell me why it is giving error, while using long datatype

long x = sc.nextLong();

if (x < 9223372036854775807L && x > -9223372036854775808L) {
System.out.println("* long");

To specify a numeric literal as a long instead of an int , add an L (for long) to the end of the literal. Without "L" in the end, the compiler is identifying the numbers as integers and the specified integers in the if statement are out of bounds of an Integer.

Java constant is out of range

In order to write a long literal you need to add an L to the end of the number. Try

public static final long MAXMONEY = 1000000000000000000L;

I did not test, if this number is small enough for a long.

09 is not recognized where as 9 is recognized

In java, if you are defining an integer, a leading '0' will denote that you are defining a number in octal

int i = 07; //integer defined as octal
int i = 7; // integer defined as base 10
int i = 0x07; // integer defined as hex
int i = 0b0111; // integer defined as binary (Java 7+)

int 0801 out of range

A number starting with 0 is in octal base and you can't use the digit '8' in it.

Project Euler #3 out of integer range java

600851475143 of type int is out of range

  • This number is bigger than int can store. Appending .0 to the number converts the number into a double which can represent that number
  • Instead of .0 you can do checkFactors(600851475143d) which ensure the number is a double and not an int

Unable to insert values in database The resulting value is out of range for the DECIMAL / NUMERIC data type (3.1)

stmt.execute(); is too much, and indeed might have caused an "erroneous" error.
The last stmt = conexao.prepareStatement(sql); too.

The MySQL reference might help. DECIMAL(3, 1) has range -9.9 .. 9.9.
This might a correct scale, otherwise you maybe intended DECIMAL(5, 2).

nota might be checked.

As floating point (double) is imprecise, it might even be better to use BigDecimal (fixed point) on java side.

        System.out.println("And finally, type your grade:  ");
BigDecimal bdnota = ler.nextBigDecimal();

// Check input: scale and digits
System.out.println("Scale: " + bdnota.scale());

stmt.setBigDecimal(3, bdnota);

Mark literal as 32bit

How about:

MyVar = 329& + 100&

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