Streamcorruptedexception: Invalid Type Code: Ac invalid type code: AC- Error found while running the client code from the server-client java program

You are double opening an ObjectOutputStream on the same socket in the Server class which is causing special headers to be sent twice.

1: openSockets last line outputToClient = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());

2: writeToSocket first line outputToClient = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());

Remove whichever one you want and it should work just fine.

As for the nullpointer you are now receiving I have a feeling that video is null in the client. In the code you have posted that would make sense because in the server you never create a video array and as such the client is just receiving null.

How to append to an ObjectInputStream without getting invalid type code: AC?

(I am appending to the file during the writing phase)

And that is the problem. You can't append to an ObjectOutputStream. That will definitly corrupt the stream and you get StreamCorruptedException.

But I already left a solution to this problem on SO: an AppendableObjectOutputStream


From the writer I see that you write one cheque object and flush and close the stream. From the reader, I clearly see, that you're trying to read more than one cheque object. And you can read the first one but not the rest. So to me it is perfectly clear, that you reopen the Stream and append more and more cheque objects. Which is not allowed.

You have to write all cheque objects in 'one session'. Or use the AppendableObjectOutputStream instead of the standard ObjectOutputStream.

Exception StreamCorruptedException: invalid type code: AC

According to this post you cannot append to a ObjectOutputStream, which you are trying to do by opening the underlying FileOutputStream in append mode. There is a solution mentioned on that post such that you create an AppendableObjectOutputStream , or you could just open the FileOutputStream without appending.

CountDownLatch vs. Semaphore

CountDownLatch is frequently used for the exact opposite of your example. Generally, you would have many threads blocking on await() that would all start simultaneously when the countown reached zero.

final CountDownLatch countdown = new CountDownLatch(1);

for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++ i) {
Thread racecar = new Thread() {
public void run() {
countdown.await(); //all threads waiting
countdown.countDown(); //all threads start now!

You could also use this as an MPI-style "barrier" that causes all threads to wait for other threads to catch up to a certain point before proceeding.

final CountDownLatch countdown = new CountDownLatch(num_thread);

for (int i = 0; i < num_thread; ++ i) {
Thread t= new Thread() {
public void run() {
System.out.printf("Waiting on %d other threads.",countdown.getCount());
countdown.await(); //waits until everyone reaches this point

That all said, the CountDownLatch can safely be used in the manner you've shown in your example.

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