Shutting Down a Computer

Shutting down a computer

Create your own function to execute an OS command through the command line?

For the sake of an example. But know where and why you'd want to use this as others note.

public static void main(String arg[]) throws IOException{
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process proc = runtime.exec("shutdown -s -t 0");

Shutdown computer, how operating systems achieve it? (C Kernel development)

To sum up all the comments in an answer so it stays:

The modern way (circa 2020) to handle power management and shutdown is to use the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI), see for example Getting Started With ACPI and OS Shutdown.

History of ACPI

ACPI was developed through collaboration between Intel, Microsoft,
Toshiba, HP, and Phoenix in the mid-1990s. Before the development of
ACPI, operating systems (OS) primarily used BIOS (Basic Input/Output
System) interfaces for power management and device discovery and
configuration. This power management approach used the OS’s ability to
call the system BIOS natively for power management. The BIOS was also
used to discover system devices and load drivers based on probing
input/output (I/O) and attempting to match the correct driver to the
correct device (plug and play). The location of devices could also be
hard coded within the BIOS because the platform itself was
non-enumerable.These solutions were problematic in three key ways.
First, the behavior of OS applications could be negatively affected by
the BIOS-configured power management settings, causing systems to go
to sleep during presentations or other inconvenient times. Second, the
power management interface was proprietary on each system. This
required developers to learn how to configure power management for
each individual system. Finally, the default settings for various
devices could also conflict with each other, causing devices to crash,
behave erratically, or become undiscoverable.ACPI was developed to
solve these problems and others.

What is ACPI?

ACPI can first be understood as an architecture-independent power
management and configuration framework that forms a subsystem within
the host OS. This framework establishes a hardware register set to
define power states (sleep, hibernate, wake, etc). The hardware
register set can accommodate operations on dedicated hardware and
general purpose hardware.The primary intention of the standard ACPI
framework and the hardware register set is to enable power management
and system configuration without directly calling firmware natively
from the OS. ACPI serves as an interface layer between the system
firmware (BIOS) and the OS, as shown in Figure0-1 and Figure0-2, with
certain restrictions and rules.

ACPI overview

Source: Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) Specification, Version 6.3 January 2019

This answer provides the historical background on the problem of OS controlling computer power and shutdown, and why it has taken so long to achieve some standard. Quoting:

Some history...

Before 1995 and the adoption of the ATX standard, the vast majority of
desktop PCs had power switches which were directly connected to the
power supply, and acted as mechanical switches only, interrupting the
electric circuit when opened. It was therefore impossible for software
to control the state of the power supply. But that wasn’t much of a
problem initially: when the IBM PC was designed, storage media
(including hard drives) had no caches, so when the hardware told the
operating system that a write was finished, it really was. Under DOS,
the kernel and shell worked together to ensure that when the DOS
prompt was displayed, all the buffers were flushed; when software
caches appeared, they adhered to this too (at least, the well-behaved
ones did). Users were taught to exit programs, wait for the prompt,
and wait for drive lights to switch off before powering the system
down. (They might also need to PARK the drive heads but that’s another
story.) Even with pre-95 versions Windows, users exited to DOS before
switching the system off.

Windows 95 and other multi-tasking operating systems changed the
picture: they didn’t “exit to DOS” on shutdown (either because they
weren’t supposed to, or because there was no DOS to return to), so
users couldn’t wait for a prompt to appear before switching off. In
most truly multi-tasking systems there’s never really a quiescent
state where the system is safe to power off, in normal operation; so
most multi-tasking operating systems have a way for the user to say “I
want to power the system down, prepare to do so”, and the operating
system then needs to tell the user when it’s safe to power off. This
ensures that all applications have finished writing the user’s files
to disk, and that the system is in a consistent state (ignoring hard
drive caches here...).

Shutting down PCs

Two features brought system power under operating system control: APM
on the one hand, and ATX on the other. APM, which was designed for
laptops initially, provided mechanisms for software to request changes
in the system’s power state: fully on, in standby, suspended, or off.
ATX changed the physical connections in the system so that power
control became possible everywhere: it required that the power button
no longer be a switch directly connected to the power supply, but
instead that it be connected to the motherboard, and that the
motherboard control the power supply itself. The power supply was also
changed so that it would supply a small amount of current all the
time, allowing the system to be left in “soft off” status, i.e. with
enough capabilities to turn itself back on again when requested to do

You can see an example of the use of APM to power off a PC in
Shutdown, a small assembly-language program written for DOS. Operating
systems such as Windows 95 (with the APM drivers installed) would do
the same thing.

It was quite exciting (to me anyway) to see APM and ATX roll out
progressively in the second half of the nineties, and see systems
suddenly acquire the ability to turn themselves off without human
intervention, and to turn themselves back on at the press of a key on
some systems. This was yet another sign of PCs “growing up” (“real”
computers, i.e. Unix workstations in my mind at the time, had had the
ability for a while, as had Macs).

Why did it take so long?

All this doesn’t address the actual question:

Was it really that hard to implement a self shut-off? What is the reason it took quite long for computers to feature this.

If you design it in from the start, it’s not all that hard to
implement self shut-off, and many systems existed with this ability
quite a few years before the PC acquired it.

[..]In the early nineties, surprising as it may seem now, there was a fair
amount of uncertainty as to what the computing future held. Apple was
making its comeback with cheaper Macs, workstation manufacturers were
releasing lower-priced systems (or rather, not-so-expensive systems),
a variety of operating systems and platforms were vying for attention
(Be, RiscPC...), IBM was still pushing OS/2 and Taligent, Microsoft
was pushing Windows NT, etc.

Eventually an alliance of companies took it upon itself to “remedy”
this situation: Intel and Microsoft (referred to at the time as
Wintel). This started in the early nineties, but wasn’t a done deal
for quite a while; when ATX was published in 1995 (by Intel on its
own), pundits liked it but weren’t sure it would convince the
industry, although they were proved wrong fairly quickly. Windows 95
sealed the deal though and Intel and Microsoft became the definers of
the PC platform (with the PC System Design Guide in particular).

Here is a Microsoft patent from the 90's for software-controlled computer hibernation which is related to software-controlled power management.

Effectively, software-controlled shutdown is a kind of simulation of shutdown, as real shutdown takes place when hardware power is actually switched off. Soft shutdown effectively is to make computer do absolutely nothing and consume as less power as possible. So OS makes sure to end all processes and make the CPU go to specific OS routines that simulate a shutdown (note: this state usually cannot be reversed except by a hardware interrupt of restart). Whether the OS routines that make soft-shutdown use ACPI or some other method/interface to simulate is another issue.

This post describes, roughly in outline, the shutdown process of the linux kernel, to get an idea.

[..]Anyways in there we have basically three functions that sketch the
process of shutting down the system

void kernel_halt(void) // which ends with a system in halt state
void kernel_power_off(void) // which ends with a system powered off
void kernel_restart(char *cmd) // which ends the system to yet restart it

Those functions are very brief and can be hence pasted here in
complete. Their code best shows what steps are taken on the way to
shutdown in the kernel. (the comments are by me and might not be 100%
ideal and correct, check yourself for being sure. It is simple a try.

void kernel_halt(void)
// 1st step does:
// a) call functions/callback registered to run at reboot/shutdown
// b) set system_sate to SYSTEM_HALT
// c) stop the userspacetool interaction
// d) call device_shutdown() function

// 2nd step: I think this is mostly a necessity for multi-cpu systems

// 3rd step:
// syscore_shutdown - Execute all the registered system core shutdown callbacks

// 4th messages
pr_emerg("System halted\n");

// 5th call arch specific cpu-halt-code

Is there a command in Python for instant shutdown on Windows 10?

Yeah that's easy in case of windows

windows has built in command shutdown /s /t0 for instant shutdown


import os

def shutdown():
#shutdown /s -> shuts down the computer [but it takes time]
#also shows message windows is going to be shutdown within a minute
#to avoid this we use /t parameter time=0seconds /t0
#command = shutdown /s /t0
#execute to the shell
os.system("shutdown /s /t0")

a = input("What to do?")

if a == "shutdown":

How to shut down computer with PowerShell?

Refer to stop-computer, you can use -Force to force an immediate shut down of the computer.

stop-computer -computername localhost -Force

How to shut down a computer (host)

You can create a subprocess to do this:

await{ cmd: ["shutdown", "-h", "now"] }).status();


  • Deno is capable of spawning a subprocess via
  • --allow-run permission is required to spawn a subprocess.
  • Spawned subprocesses do not run in a security sandbox.
  • Communicate with the subprocess via the stdin, stdout and stderr streams.
  • Use a specific shell by providing its path/name and its string input switch, e.g.{cmd: ["bash", "-c", "ls -la"]});

See also command line - Shutdown from terminal without entering password? - Ask Ubuntu for ideas on how to avoid needing sudo to call shutdown or alternative commands that you can invoke from Deno instead.

Shutdown computer via web page

As you have control over the target machine, this is completely feasible. One way to do it is by introducing a separate component to perform the shutdown.

  1. Create a console application (using C#, for example) that listens to stdin, that shuts down the machine when it receives the right input. Machine shutdown from C# is not entirely trivial, but Stackoverflow knows how it is done.

  2. Register this application with a proper manifest given the Google Chrome Native Messaging specification.

  3. Call this extension from your webpage (on, for instance) using Message Passing.

The individual steps are a bit too broad to fully detail them in a single answer, but you can always open new questions on them if they give you any trouble.

How does Windows close a program when shutting down the computer?

When Windows wants to shutdown, it sends a series of events to the application; such as WM_ENDSESSION and WM_QUIT. You can process these in the message handler you are using; in general the application will need to respond appropriately and quickly to these messages else the OS will just terminate the application anyway. I'm not sure what default processing wxwidgets offers in this regard. Hooking into these would help in diagnosing the application error itself.

There are a few things you could attempt to do;

  • The shutdown sequence will not be easy to simulate (if at all) - a lot happens during shutdown; the exact state and situation is difficult to simulate in it's entirety.
  • In terms of diagnosing the state of the application just before shutdown, you could try to process the WM_QUERYENDSESSION and respond with a FALSE to prevent it from shutting down (with newer versions of Windows you can no longer prevent the shutdown, so it may not work depending on the platform you are on).
  • You could also try to test the application's immediate response to WM_ENDSESSION message by sending it the WM_ENDSESSION (e.g. via a PostMessage) with the appropriate data as detailed on MSDN.

For terminal based applications;
You can also hook in the signals (SIGKILL I believe) if required. See this Microsoft reference for more detail. You can also the the SetConsoleCtrlHandler hook. But since you using a toolkit, it would be better to use the messages sent to the application already.

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