Ruby Code to Jar

Ruby code to JAR

JRuby allows you to compile to .class files, which you can jar up normally. You'll just have to include jruby.jar as well. From here:

The typical way to run the AOT
compiler is to run

jrubyc <script name>

Or, on Microsoft Windows:

jruby -S jrubyc <script name>

This command outputs a .class file in
the current directory with parent
directories and package matching where
the file lives. So the following

jrubyc foo/bar/test.rb

will output


To run the file produced by the
compiler, use the -cp (class
searchpath) parameter with both the
current directory (parent directory
for foo/bar/test.class above) and the
path to jruby.jar, and execute it as
you would a normal Java class named

java -cp .:/path/to/jruby.jar

Importing .jar file in Ruby: how to use the class

In jruby, you can access java classes by package name and class name.

Your java main method is static, so no need for new. So this should work.


But I suggest to rename your java class and package. You may get name clashes, as it is likely that something inside jruby is also called jruby.
Also the name is just wrong, because it is a java class and not a jruby class.


After consulting the document, the above is only correct for standard java packages. There are several ways to access a java class:

  1. use Ruby Module Syntax:


  2. the dot syntax, as I tried first.

"Second way: for the top-level Java packages java, javax, javafx, org,
and com you can type in a fully qualified class name basically as in
Java, for example, java.lang.System or ..."

You either need to put your java class in the package or write an extra method to access the package:

def edu

"And then you can use use usual Java package names like"

  1. after java_import, the imported Class "will be available in the global name space"

    java_import 'foo.Foo'


In all cases, you need to make sure that jruby sees the your jar file.

" loading jar-files via require searches along the $LOAD_PATH for
them, like it would for normal ruby files."

JRuby to jar executable

Type this in the command line:

cd C:/Users/Someone/Path/To/Class/
jar cvfm executable.jar Foo.class

Where is something like

Main-Class: Foo

Change C:/Users/Someone/Path/To/Class/ to the path to your files and change Foo to the name of your class. This will create a jar file called "executable.jar."

Use Ruby to copy files into an jar file

If it was me I would almost certainly just call the jar command within Ruby to do this:

system 'jar uf jar_file.jar input_file(s).class'
# or
%x[ 'jar uf jar_file.jar input_file(s).class' ]

Reference here.

If you still want to do this without calling jar you should be able to do it with rubyzip, since JAR files are just ZIP files with a particular structure. Something like this:

require 'zip/zip'

filename = 'class_file.class'

Zip::ZipOutputStream::open "jar_file.jar" do |zip|
zip.put_next_entry 'dest/path/in/jar/' + filename # don't forget the path filename, 'rb' {|f| zip.write }

There are also a few Ruby wrappers for libarchive that could do this. E.g.

JRuby requires jar file in runtime

You can also execute the require statement whenever you want -- ruby is dynamic like that, you don't need to execute it on program boot or source file load.

def create_and_require_jar
require 'the/jar/i/created.jar'

If your problem is that the jar doesn't exist yet at the moment you execute the require -- simply change when you execute the require, to be after you've created the .jar.

While I have never created a .jar dynamically to be used by the same program that created it (and I'm not sure why you'd want to), I have done a require of a .jar in Jruby, as part of dynamic logic where sometimes I require it and sometimes I don't, and do the require inside conditional logic, not immediately on program boot. It's worked fine.

And I've found it super nice that you can do this in Jruby, conditional loading of a Jar based on program logic (first checking to see if the jar exists, or based on arguments or configuration) -- if you can do that in straight Java, I don't know how, although you might be able to!

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