R.Raw.Anything Cannot Be Resolved

R.raw.anything cannot be resolved

I already faced this problem several weeks ago. You simply have to use com.example.R (where com.example is the name of your package), because your IDE thinks that you are using android.R by default.
Try this out.

cannot resolve symbol R.raw

Try cleaning your project and building again. If this not work :

  1. Remove the import for the R.symbol, because probably you have imported R.class in your file, then click on the imported file and press ALT + Enter.
  2. If this also doesn't work then access it like this : your.project.package.R.raw .file_name
  3. Also try to remove the capital letter from the name of your audio.

raw cannot be resolved or is not a field

I'm not sure exactly what R.raw.test_cbr is (I did not write this code) can someone explain what R.raw.test_cbr is as well as how this can be resolved?

R.raw refers to the "raw" resources placed in res/raw. "Raw" means that the resource file is included in the application package as-is, without any compile-time modifications.

(In theory at least. I've had problems where the toolchain modified my raw resources but that's beyond the scope of this question.)

You get this compile time error because you don't have the res/raw folder and the R.raw nested class is not generated in R.java.

R.raw.test_cbr refers to a file test_cbr.ext in the res/raw folder, where ext is just some file extension.

Since you're feeding MediaPlayer, you should place some audio media file test_cbr e.g. text_cbr.mp3 in res/raw and rebuild your application.

Cannot resolve symbol raw when the folder is empty

When you create an Android resource folder such as layout, drawable, mipmap, etc.. The android will create a file named R.java. You can find it in


It basically a normal java file which has been generated by android automatically for referring resources by ids in our code.


public final class R {
public static final class layout{
public static final int main_activity=0x7f0a0000;
public static final int login_activity=0x7f0a0001;
public static final class drawable{
public static final int ic_add=0x7f0a0000;
public static final int ic_edit=0x7f0a0001;
public static final class mimap{
public static final int ic_launcher=0x7f0b0000;

From Android official site:

Resources are the additional files and static content that your code
uses, such as bitmaps, layout definitions, user interface strings,
animation instructions, and more.

It means res folder is read-only and you cannot modify (add, update, delete) the content side.

Back to your problem, when you create raw folder but do not put any files inside and android know that in the runtime you cannot modify this folder as well, so why we need to create a refer to the raw resources anymore. It does not make sense. Because there is no raw class in R.java so your compiler display the error.

cannot resolve symbol raw

But if you create a file and put into raw folder, then after build process, a class raw will be created in R.java file.

public final class R {
public static final class layout{
public static final int main_activity=0x7f0a0000;
public static final int login_activity=0x7f0a0001;
public static final class drawable{
public static final int ic_add=0x7f0a0000;
public static final int ic_edit=0x7f0a0001;
public static final class mimap{
public static final int ic_launcher=0x7f0b0000;

public static final class raw {
public static final int sound=0x7f0b0000;

And now the error gone.

R.raw is (broken)... I cannot reference anything with it. Android 2.2

I figured it out. I was looking the logger and did not see in the console that filenames in the 'raw' folder have to be lowercase. I think it also does not build the 'raw' object until there are files inside it. It thus appeared to never generate the object. Thanks guys.

Trouble adding raw resource

The answer to this question can be found here:

R.raw.anything cannot be resolved

Android: How to add R.raw to project?

Adding a raw folder to your resource folder (/res/) should do the trick.

Read more here:

I can't finde R.raw.xxx

Thing you should be careful about :

1) that your file name doesn't contain any illigal caracters. if it does then it will fail to create the R file correctly and so you can't use R (the error message appears in the the regular eclipse console)

2) check that you have "loaded" your file to the project
do ctrl (or cmd on mac)+shif+o on the root of your project in elcipse browser (reloads all resources)
then F5 to refresh the files structures
and the a clean project to force a nice clean build

3) you could check if you have the RIght R files imported to your project, there is a default R file something like android.R instead of projectPackages.R

hope this helps


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