Problems Installing Java Ee Sdk on Linux

Problems installing Java EE SDK on Linux

Do you have a JDK installed? You likely want to put $JDK_HOME/bin on your PATH, not the /bin of a JRE, as jar comes with JDK, not JRE.

error when installing Java EE SDK on Linux

You'll need to create an update alternative for the "jar" executable like:

sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/jar" "jar" "/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0/bin/jar" 1

Note: You may need to use appropriate path in your case.

Why do I need Java installed to install the JavaEE6 SDK?

In order to use any java code, including Java Development Kit, JDK, you'll need to have Java Runtime Environment, JRE. Most of the JDK package comes with JRE. JRE contains API to run Java classes.

Does the Java EE SDK installation prerequire Java SE SDK or JRE?

Java EE includes Java SE. If you install Java SE first then the Java EE installer will skip installing Java SE (since you already have it).

How to install Java EE?

All you need is Java JDK downloaded and unziped, then you have to set environment variables JAVA_HOME and add path to your java bin folder in PATH and configure your IDE. I use Eclipse for it.

How to install Java 7 EE SDK download as .sh file for Mac OSX

Run it at the command line.

From the install manual: Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7 SDK - Installation Instructions

Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X systems:

  • If necessary, grant execute
    permissions to the distribution file: chmod +x ./

  • At the command prompt, type: sh ./

For future reference a *.sh file is a shell script. You can inspect the shebang (#!) at the first line of the file to see what shell should be used to interpret the script. In the case of the JavaEE 7 installer the shebang is #!/bin/sh which indicates a Bourne compatible shell should be used.

Java EE 6 SDK installation issue on mac 10.8

Try setting you display variable as follows

export DISPLAY=:0

Is there a Java EE JDK

What you're asking is "can I get all the EE components" as a single download without GlassFish, NetBeans, etc.

Well it's helpful to know exactly what Java EE really is. It's a set of specifications of sometimes related / sometimes unrelated "Enterprise" level components (whatever Enterprise means :)). For example, the servlet-api spec (as indicated by a previous answer) is part of the Java EE spec. So is the JTA (transaction API), JPA, Java Mail, and so on.

There are two types of EE component.
1. Those which are shipped as interfaces only and the application-server or a third party implements them. Examples are JTA, JPA, Servlet-API.
2. Those which are shipped as full reference implementations. Examples are Java-Mail. I can't think of others off top of my head but there will be some.

Now a full application server, such as glassfish, ships with the set of implementations so lots of times people see them inside Glassfish, Websphere etc and think that they need that to use them. A container such as Tomcat is not an application server, it is a servlet-container and thus only implements a subset of the full Java EE stack (the parts that are required for servlets only).

In order to get the full set of Java EE interfaces/implementations you would need to add the separate interfaces or implementations to your build. In that case you just "have to know" where to find them, and that comes by experience. People tend to know that JPA is added as part of the Hibernate dependencies for example.

Java EE 7 SDK with JDK Ubuntu Server 12.04

Download and install Glassfish as described on

It is just unzipping a file.

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