Object Cannot Be Converted to Integer Error

java.lang.Object cannot be converted to int

Well look at the error:

java: incompatible types: java.lang.Object cannot be converted to int

And then look at the line that throws the error:

id =  (int)table.getValueAt(table.getSelectedRow(), 0);

Now as you can see, you're attempting to cast an Object to an int. This is not allowed. So you need to be a little more creative:

int id = Integer.parseInt(table.getValueAt(table.getSelectedRow(), 0).toString()); 

Object cannot be converted to integer error

There are several issues with your code:

  1. The use of raw types yields the aforementioned error.
  2. the result variable is always false, which doesnt seem right. so double check your logic again.

That said, let's solve the raw type issue as follows with the use of generics:

ArrayList<Integer> alist = new ArrayList<>();
LinkedList<Integer> arr2 = new LinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(array2));

Iterator<Integer> x = arr2.listIterator(arr2.indexOf(array1[0]));

At this point, there is still another issue,

the statement LinkedList<Integer> arr2 = new LinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(array2)); will not compile as array2 is of type int[] so the receiver type should be LinkedList<int[]> to make it compile but obviously that's not what you're after.

To solve the problem, you'll need to convert the int[]. you can do this as follows:

LinkedList<Integer> arr2 = Arrays.stream(array2)

Error converting object (string) to Int32: TypeError: object cannot be converted to an IntegerDtype

It's known bug, as explained here.

Workaround is to convert column first to float and than to Int32.

Make sure you strip your column from whitespaces before you do conversion:

df.column = df.column.str.strip()

Than do conversion:

df.column = df.column.astype('float')  # first convert to float before int
df.column = df.column.astype('Int32')

or simpler:

 df.column = df.column.astype('float').astype('Int32') # or Int64

java.lang.Object cannot be converted to the class i created

Change that line Thing x = storage.getItem(0); with Thing x = (Thing) storage.getItem(0);

Object in Vector can't be converted to int

You can't use primitive type int as generic type. Please use Integer instead.

Error: incompatible types: java.lang.Object cannot be converted to E

Try this:

* An array-based Stack.
public class ArrayStack<E> implements Stack<E> {

* Array of items in this Stack.
private E[] data;

* Number of items currently in this Stack.
private int size;

* The Stack is initially empty.
public ArrayStack() {
data = (E[]) (new Object[1]); // This causes a compiler warning
size = 0;

public boolean isEmpty() {
return size == 0;

public E pop() {
if (isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException();
return data[size];

public E peek() {
if (isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException();
return data[size - 1];

* Return true if data is full.
protected boolean isFull() {
return size == data.length;

public void push(E target) {
if (isFull()) {
data[size] = target;

* Double the length of data.
protected void stretch() {
E[] newData = (E[]) (new Object[data.length * 2]); // Warning
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
newData[i] = data[i];
data = newData;

Java - code keeps returning 'error: incompatible types: Object cannot be converted to int'

You're not initializing the arraylist correctly. Change

ArrayList guesses = new ArrayList();


ArrayList<Integer> guesses = new ArrayList<Integer>();

Arraylists are generic (ArrayList<E>) in that they require an object to be specified in their construction so that you know what is in the arraylist.

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