Multidex Noclassdeffound Error

MultiDex NoClassDefFound error

Your AppWrapper class fails to load because the retrofit.ErrorHandler interface is not included in main dex file.

How do you calculate which classes to put in your main-dex-list file?

There's a script that can generate it for you. I wrote a blogpost that shows how to use it.

Update (10/31/2014):

Gradle plugin v0.14.0 now does it automatically. See my answer here.

Update (24/04/2017):

The developer guide explains how to pick specific classes with a gradle option if it doesn't pick all the right ones automatically.

MultiDex cause java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError in Android 4.4

Try adding the following rules in your proguard file:-

SSHd requires mina, and mina uses reflection so some classes would get deleted

    -keep class org.apache.mina.** {*;}
-keep class org.apache.sshd.** {*;}

-dontwarn org.apache.sshd.**
-dontwarn org.apache.mina.**

Also check your gradle file for these two dependencies:-

implementation 'org.apache.sshd:sshd-core:0.14.0'
implementation 'org.apache.mina:mina-core:2.0.19'

Android MultiDex ClassNotFoundException

@razzledazzle: Thanks a lot. These tips are very helpful.

After that, I´ve the next problems. In my apk-file missing classes respectively classdefinitions. SOME sugarmodels-classes was missing (NOT ALL). The little tool classyshark and the sugarlog help me!
So I compare the classes and found a solution!

For all Sugar-ORM-Users with multiDex problems. I put the "ignore"-Annotation for a debugvariable in all my sugarclasses and now they are in the dexfile.
I don´t know how or why, but it works...

public boolean multiDex;

Maybe there is better solution, but I don´t know... Possibly the RetentionPolicy of the Ignore-annotation do the trick.

Next thing for possible Sugar-Orm problems could be the proguardtool. It is important to keep the classnames of your models.

-keep class com.package.example.models.* {*;}

these rule keep the complete class for proguard. I hope it help.

Happy coding...

MultiDex issue: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class on path: DexPathList

So last but not least my answer:
All my configuration for multidex was correct... I don't know why, but after a complete OS restart everything works fine now... :)

Adding MultiDex to a project in android studio but keeping getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

You want to create a Base class that extends the MultiDex if you don't have one.

public class BaseApp extends MultiDexApplication {

public void onCreate() {


Your Manifest can look like below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />


<activity android:name=".MainScreen" />
<activity android:name=".RegisterActivity" />
<activity android:name=".LoginActivity" />
<activity android:name=".MainActivity">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />


You should upgrade your firebase to the latest, or at least version from 17.0.0 and above.
I was told that According to firebase release notes May 07, 2019, it says; "If you use Firebase Authentication, update to firebase-auth v17.0.0 or later to ensure functionality alignment with other updated Firebase libraries."

Multidex throws java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError, RxJava, Retrolambda

Please try the following code.
It worked on Android 6.


protected <T> void connectObservableField(@NonNull T observableField, @Nullable java.util.function.Consumer<? super T> consumer) {


protected <T> void connectObservableField(@NonNull T observableField, @Nullable io.reactivex.functions.Consumer<? super T> consumer) {

java.util.function.* seems not to work with retrolambda.

So you try to use io.reactivex.functions.Consumer instead.

See also

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