Missing Return Statement for If/Else Statement

Missing return statement within if / for / while

If you put a return statement in the if, while or for statement then it may or may not return a value. If it will not go inside these statements then also that method should return some value (that could be null). To ensure that, compiler will force you to write this return statement which is after if, while or for.

But if you write an if / else block and each one of them is having a return in it then the compiler knows that either the if or else will get executed and the method will return a value. So this time the compiler will not force you.


Missing return statement for if/else statement

Every return statement is inside an if statement. While it may be logically impossible as written, the compiler needs a return for when none of the if evaluate true.

I recommend:

public int checkGuess(int number, int randomnumber){
int retVal = 0;
this.randomnumber= randomnumber;

if (number == randomnumber) {
retVal = 0;
} else if (number < randomnumber) {
retVal = -1;
} else if (number > randomnumber) {
retVal = 1;
return retVal;

This solution fixes the compiler problem and improves readability slightly, in my opinion.

Alternatively, there's this solution:

public int checkGuess(int number, int randomnumber){
this.randomnumber= randomnumber;

if (number == randomnumber) {
return 0;
} else if (number < randomnumber) {
return -1;
} else if (number > randomnumber) {
return 1;
} else {
//throw an exception

Throwing an exception will allow you to get out of the method without returning anything... because arguably, if you get to the final else, something clearly went wrong.

Missing return statement after if-else

The C++ standard says this, see [stmt.return]/2:

Flowing off the end of a constructor, a destructor, or a function with a cv void return type is equivalent to a return with no operand. Otherwise, flowing off the end of a function other than main results in undefined behavior.

Your operator != does exactly that. It never flows off the end of the function since all control paths end with a return.

Hence the code is correct, and the compiler's diagnostic is wrong.

Missing return value for if-else statement

You need to return the value from the recursion

def check(x):
print("Input value: "+str(x)) #simple check before if-else
if x in valid_input:
return x #valid input, return x
print("Wrong Input!!!")
x=input("Enter r/p/s:") #taking new input
-> return check(x) #checking if the new input is valid
x=input("Enter choice: ") #Input value
x=check(x) #Call check fucntion

Missing return statement when trying to return a boolean value

You should assign the boolean result to a variable instead of returning it in the loop. Add the return statement after the for loop, this should fix your issue. HTH

 public static boolean compare(String h, char x){

int counter = 0;
boolean flag = false;

for(int i = 0; i < h.length(); i++){
if(h.charAt(i) == 'o'){
flag = true;
flag = false;
return flag;

Missing return statement' in simple conditional structure

mypy warns on missing return types by default, so you can turn it off explicitly:

$ mypy --no-warn-no-return spam.py

or turn off the particular check for the particular line only:

def to_json(data: Dict, path: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]:  # type: ignore[return]

However, your function has different return types depending on the input. I would add an overloaded signature to handle these:

from typing import Dict, Optional, overload

# when path is provided, the function returns
def to_json(data: Dict, path: str) -> str: ...

# when path is not provided, the function returns None
def to_json(data: Dict) -> None: ...

# your actual impl
def to_json(data, path=None):
if path is None:

Missing return statement error with return statements for both outcomes

First of all use == and not = inside conditions:

if(isMetric == true) {

Now, since the if / else if conditions evaluate to boolean you can redue the code to:

if(isMetric) {

In addition, indeed all the method branches should return a value (and java does not have an "optimization" that checks that else if contains a condition on boolean expression.

Instead, you can go with the following symanically equivalent construction:

public double getWeight(boolean isMetric) {
// your code here
if(isMetric) {
return kg;
} else {
return lb;

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