Maven Modules + Building a Single Specific Module

Maven Modules + Building a Single Specific Module

Any best practices here?

Use the Maven advanced reactor options, more specifically:

-pl, --projects
Build specified reactor projects instead of all projects
-am, --also-make
If project list is specified, also build projects required by the list

So just cd into the parent P directory and run:

mvn install -pl B -am

And this will build B and the modules required by B.

Note that you need to use a colon if you are referencing an artifactId which differs from the directory name:

mvn install -pl :B -am

As described here:

  • Define modules list which shall be build in Maven multiproject build

How to build a module separately in multimodular maven project?

The flatten-maven-plugin solves the problem.
Thanks to @khmarbaise, who adviced in the comments reading the docs to the end.

Adding the plugin to /modules/base/pom.xml solved the problem with building a submodule separately:


Before starting a phase on facade module, it is required to have base and core in the local repository, so maven could find the artifacts. Hence, here is the sequence of actions in root:

  • mvn install -pl modules/base,modules/core (or just mvn install)
  • mvn package -pl modules/facade

How to compile a single module inside it in a multi-module maven project?

Instead of launching goal "package", launch goal "install" on the root pom (or just moduleB). This will place moduleB in the local repository (~/.m2/repository) and Maven will be able to fetch it when it compiles only moduleA. Then you'll be able to compile only moduleA.

How to Build specific module in a multi module spring-boot maven project

You need to tweak your pom.

Parent pom:


Module pom (containing your Main)

<mainClass>Your mainClass</mainClass>

Pay emphasis on Configuration > skip

Maven: How to run module before building other modules in multi-module project?

I understand that just by changing the order of the modules in the pom file I can get the module to build before the others, but how do I run it before building the rest of them?

Ordering of modules will not necessarily build them in that order. If one module depends on another then you must handle it through <dependency>in the pom of the dependent project.
To answer your question, build the REST service module first and deploy it to your server/container. In multimodule projects running command like mvn somegoal will run somegoal on all the modules.

To run different goals on modules, try in two steps

mvn -pl module1 somegoal
mvn -pl module2 someothergoal
In your project they will take the form of
mvn -pl RESTModule deploy followed by usual
mvn command for running test for other modules. Remember the -pl option for these too.
Edit: After looking at the requirements from your comment I tried one more solution. Might work for you as well. Add maven-deploy-plugin to the pom of REST Module and tie it to a phase such that only the RESTModule project deploys the artifacts but not others (since they don't have such plugin in their pom). snippet to be added.






and run the project using the parent pom in jenkins.

Maven - build just a few modules from a multi model project

Something like mvn clean install -pl microservice-a -am to build the microservice-a together with its dependencies.

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