Make Copy of an Array

Cloning an array in Javascript/Typescript

Clone an object:

const myClonedObject = Object.assign({}, myObject);

Clone an Array:

  • Option 1 if you have an array of primitive types:

const myClonedArray = Object.assign([], myArray);

  • Option 2 - if you have an array of objects:
const myArray= [{ a: 'a', b: 'b' }, { a: 'c', b: 'd' }];
const myClonedArray = [];
myArray.forEach(val => myClonedArray.push(Object.assign({}, val)));

Copy array by value

Use this:

let oldArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

let newArray = oldArray.slice();


Fastest way to duplicate an array in JavaScript - slice vs. 'for' loop

There are at least 6 (!) ways to clone an array:

  • loop
  • slice
  • Array.from()
  • concat
  • spread operator (FASTEST)
  • map{return e;});

There has been a huuuge BENCHMARKS thread, providing following information:

  • for blink browsers slice() is the fastest method, concat() is a bit slower, and while loop is 2.4x slower.

  • for other browsers while loop is the fastest method, since those browsers don't have internal optimizations for slice and concat.

This remains true in Jul 2016.

Below are simple scripts that you can copy-paste into your browser's console and run several times to see the picture. They output milliseconds, lower is better.

while loop

n = 1000*1000;
start = + new Date();
a = Array(n);
b = Array(n);
i = a.length;
while(i--) b[i] = a[i];
console.log(new Date() - start);


n = 1000*1000;
start = + new Date();
a = Array(n);
b = a.slice();
console.log(new Date() - start);

Please note that these methods will clone the Array object itself, array contents however are copied by reference and are not deep cloned.

origAr == clonedArr //returns false
origAr[0] == clonedArr[0] //returns true

Use [].replace to make a copy of an array

This is the tricky concept of mutability in ruby. In terms of core objects, this usually comes up with arrays and hashes. Strings are mutable as well, but this can be disabled with a flag at the top of the script. See What does the comment "frozen_string_literal: true" do?.

In this case, you can call dup, deep_dup, clone easily to the same effect as replace:

['some', 'array'].dup
['some', 'array'].deep_dup
['some', 'array'].clone
Marshal.load Marshal::dump(['some', 'array'])

In terms of differences, dup and clone are the same except for some nuanced details - see What's the difference between Ruby's dup and clone methods?

The difference between these and deep_dup is that deep_dup works recursively. For example if you dup a nested array, the inner array will not be cloned:

  a = [[1]]
b = a.clone
b[0][0] = 2
a # => [[2]]

The same thing happens with hashes.

Marshal.load Marshal::dump <object> is a general approach to deep cloning objects, which, unlike deep_dup, is in ruby core. Marshal::dump returns a string so it can be handy in serializing objects to file.

If you want to avoid unexpected errors like this, keep a mental index of which methods have side-effects and only call those when it makes sense to. An explanation point at the end of a method name indicates that it has side effects, but others include unshift, push, concat, delete, and pop. A big part of fuctional programming is avoiding side effects. You can see

How to copy array without changing original array?

In your example code, you're working with slices, not arrays.

From the slice documentation:

A slice is a descriptor for a contiguous segment of an underlying array and provides access to a numbered sequence of elements from that array.

When you assign a slice to a variable, you're creating a copy of that descriptor and therefore dealing with the same underlying array. When you're actually working with arrays, it has the behavior you're expecting.

Another snippet from the slice documentation (emphasis mine):

A slice, once initialized, is always associated with an underlying array that holds its elements. A slice therefore shares storage with its array and with other slices of the same array; by contrast, distinct arrays always represent distinct storage.

Here's a code sample (for the slices, the memory address of the first element is in parentheses, to clearly point out when two slices are using the same underlying array):

package main

import (

func main() {
// Arrays
var array [2]int
newArray := array
array[0] = 3
newArray[1] = 2
fmt.Printf("Arrays:\narray: %v\nnewArray: %v\n\n", array, newArray)

// Slices (using copy())
slice := make([]int, 2)
newSlice := make([]int, len(slice))
copy(newSlice, slice)
slice[0] = 3
newSlice[1] = 2
fmt.Printf("Slices (different arrays):\nslice (%p): %v \nnewSlice (%p): %v\n\n", slice, slice, newSlice, newSlice)

// Slices (same underlying array)
slice2 := make([]int, 2)
newSlice2 := slice2
slice2[0] = 3
newSlice2[1] = 2
fmt.Printf("Slices (same array):\nslice2 (%p): %v \nnewSlice2 (%p): %v\n\n", slice2, slice2, newSlice2, newSlice2)


array: [3 0]
newArray: [0 2]

Slices (different arrays):
slice (0xc000100040): [3 0]
newSlice (0xc000100050): [0 2]

Slices (same array):
slice2 (0xc000100080): [3 2]
newSlice2 (0xc000100080): [3 2]

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