"Loading Class Com.Mysql.Jdbc.Driver ... Is Deprecated" Message

Loading class com.mysql.jdbc.Driver ... is deprecated message

It isn't an error; it is a warning (or advisory) message resulting from a


call. Your code continues to run despite the message.

It is mainly telling you that the name of the driver class has changed to com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver. So, instead use:


It is also letting you know that since Java 6 (JDBC 4.0) it is usually not necessary to manually load the driver class using Class.forName anyway, because JDBC is now able to load the correct driver itself (provided that the driver .jar is available on the class path).

java netbeans The new driver class is `com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver'

I tried changing my url of database from convertToNull to CONVERT_TO_NULL but the same error occurs.
Here is my connection code & im just displaying the contents of database in my form with the help of jTable in Netbeans

public class MysqlConnection {
public Connection con;
/*public ResultSet rs;
public Statement st;
public PreparedStatement ps;
public DataSource ds=null;*/
public String User;
public String Uid;
public String Pwd;

public String StrUrl="jdbc:mysql://localhost:50781/jayshreesteels?zeroDateTimeBehavior=CONVERT_TO_NULL";
public String StrUid="root";
public String StrPwd= "root";
public static String StrUser;

public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException{
String Url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:50781/jayshreesteels?zeroDateTimeBehavior=CONVERT_TO_NULL";

public MysqlConnection() throws SQLException {
this.con = DriverManager.getConnection(StrUrl, "root", "root");

Failed to load driver class com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

The answer is so embarrassing. I appended the driver line of application.properties with a semicolon ...
Obviously, it did't recognize that driver.

Confusion in SPI automatic registration of com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver

The MySQL Connector/J developer guide is still referring to the Class.forName. See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-j/8.0/en/connector-j-usagenotes-connect-drivermanager.html

But starting with JDBC 4, the Service Provider Interface is used, so the call should no longer be required. (And for me it works without the Class.forName call!)

Details about the SPI:

  • https://www.baeldung.com/java-spi
  • https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/DriverManager.html

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