Jersey Maven Quickstart Archetype in Eclipse

Jersey Maven quickstart archetype in Eclipse

I highly doubt you are creating the archetype project correctly. What you are showing is a product of the org.apache.maven.archetypes : maven-archetype-quickstart

Here's a quick walk-through of how to create the Jersey archetype in Eclipse

  1. Go to FileNewOther

  2. In the dialog, select the Maven file the Maven Project, then Next

    Sample Image

  3. In the next dialog keep all the defaults, and hit Next

    Sample Image

  4. In this next dialog we will select the Maven archetype. In the search box, type jersey-quickstart-webapp. All the archetypes takes a few moments to load. You can see the progress at the bottom right of the IDE is they are still loading. This shouldn't take more than maybe 5 seconds. If you are not seeing any results come up from the search, then it's likely you don't have the archetypes installed. See this Stackoverflow answer for how you can get the archetypes.

    Once the archetypes load, and you see the jersey-quickstart-webapp in the results list, uncheck "Show the last version of Archetype only". So once you have unchecked that, you should see more version available. Scroll down to the org.glassfish.jersey.archetypes and select the version 2.16 (or whatever the latest version is, if you choose). Then hit Next

    Sample Image

  5. In the next dialog, enter the groupId, artifactId, and package, then hit Finish

    Sample Image

  6. You should now see a project with the following structure. There will be an error in the project because of you jsp page. We have no use for it here, so you can delete it if you want. This should get rid of the error.

    Sample Image

See Also:

  • Getting Started with Jersey 2

Eclipse java - How do I include Jersey archetype in Maven?

You need to add the Jersey Maven Archetype to your Eclipse because your catalog is not the lastest version.

Go to Preferences -> Maven -> Archetypes ->Add Remote Catalog and add these parameters:

Catalog File:
Description: maven catalog

Note: Probably It's necesary to restart your Eclipse.

Unable to create new maven project using jersey-quickstart-webapp archetype

Add repo in your app:
<project ...>

Create a Maven project in Eclipse complains Could not resolve archetype

I fixed this problem by following the solution to this other StackOverflow question

I had the same problem. I fixed it by adding the maven archetype catalog to eclipse. Steps are provided below: (Please note the https protocol)

  1. Open Window > Preferences
  2. Open Maven > Archetypes
  3. Click 'Add Remote Catalog' and add the following:

    • Catalog File:
    • Description: maven catalog

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