Java.Util.Zip.Zipexception: Error in Opening Zip File

Tomcat Caused by: error in opening zip file

Given you have access to a Bash terminal, you can try this one-liner to test your jars assuming they are all in the same directory

for j in $(find /path/to/lib -name '*.jar'); do jar -tvf $j > /dev/null 2>&1; [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && echo "$j jar is broken"; done


/path/to/lib/test.jar jar is broken
/path/to/lib/some.jar jar is broken error in opening zip file when trying to create a new JarFile

If you check the JavaDoc for the JarFile type, you'll see that it's only used for reading existing .jar files.

The JarFile class is used to read the contents of a jar file from any
file that can be opened with -

To create a .jar file, you'll need to use a java.util.jar.JarOutputStream.

How to correct the error ' error in opening zip file' invoking web service on WAS with Portal

The suggestions about the open file limit restrictions were right all along, we were just looking in the wrong place. The 'default' ulimit settings were valid, but these are not the ones that are applied when the WebSphere Portal server is started via an init.d script. The very last section in this article identified the issue we were experiencing:

We verified this was the case by using the details in this article:

All that was required was the update the init.d script to include the line 'ulimit -n xxxxx' with our required limit. We had used the WASService scripts to generate the init.d script and thought that it shouldn't need further modification. Maybe we missed a point in the use of the WASService script that handles this.

Flutter: Exception in thread main error in opening zip file

After hours of effort, I came up with the solution.

I have changed gradle wrapper properties distribution url version to: 5.5.1-all which was available in my system.

Due to some reason, android studio was fetching the latest version which was not in my system.

Exception in thread main error in opening zip file

your gradle-3.5.1-all file is corrupted delete it from

C:\Users\Sanam Gurung.gradle\.gradle\wrapper\dists

and then just run

react-native run-android

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