Java Error - Illegal Modifier for Parameter - Only Final Permitted

Illegal modifier for parameter [frmStartupGame]; only final is permitted

its means inside function only final is allowed:

So below code in not valid:

 private StartupGame frmStartupGame;

Change that to:

 StartupGame frmStartupGame;

Update: "Now my teacher ask me to: "Declare in private the property frmStartupGame of type StartupGame"

Create this variable on class level like below:

public class Control {
private StartupGame frmStartupGame;

public static void main(String[] args) {
new Control();

See Declaring Member Variables for more details

Illegal modifier for parameter count; only final is permitted

Local variables and parameters cannot have public or private modifier. You can only give final to them. Not even static can be used.

Illegal modifier for parameter ITEMS; only final is permitted

You cannot use static within a Method. Move the declaration up to the class-level or remove the static.

static means it is a value of the class itself rather than of an instance of the class. So if you create 100 instances of your class there is only one shared instance of this variable if you declare it static, however there would be 100 instances if you don't declare it static.

In Java this kind of variable is only allowed at class-level.

As a side note: In C++ (not sure about C) you could use it inside of methods/functions with a similar semantic: the memory of that variable will be the same each time you call the function/method and the initialization will only be done on the first call. But you cannot address the memory from outside the function/method, thus the variable will be "function/method-private".

Illegal modifier for parameter [variable]; only final is permitted

You can't put methods inside of other methods in Java.

Structure your program like this:

public class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] digits = stringToDig("54235");

public int[] stringToDig(String a)
char [] ch1 = a.toCharArray();
int [] conv = new int [ch1.length];

for (int i=0 ; i<ch1.length ; i++)
conv[i] = Character.getNumericValue(ch1[i]);

return conv;

Illegal modifier, only final is permitted?

Your recreateObject method is defined inside the main method. Move it outside the body of main:

public class hw2redo 
public static void main(String args[])
//Scan file for data
GeometricObject g = null;
BufferedReader file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("file.txt"));
Scanner diskScanner = new Scanner(file);
//Create dynamic array list
List<GeometricObject> list = new ArrayList<GeometricObject>();
//Scan data and add data to list
String geolist = diskScanner.nextLine();
g = recreateObject(geolist);




private static GeometricObject recreateObject(String data)


(And, obviously, make it return something.)

Illegal modifier for parameter count; only final is permitted

Local variables and parameters cannot have public or private modifier. You can only give final to them. Not even static can be used.

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