Java Dynamic Binding and Method Overriding

Java dynamic binding and method overriding

Java uses static binding for overloaded methods, and dynamic binding for overridden ones. In your example, the equals method is overloaded (has a different param type than Object.equals()), so the method called is bound to the reference type at compile time.

Some discussion here

The fact that it is the equals method is not really relevant, other than it is a common mistake to overload instead of override it, which you are already aware of based on your answer to the problem in the interview.

A good description here as well. This example is showing a similar problem related to the parameter type instead, but caused by the same issue.

I believe if the binding were actually dynamic, then any case where the caller and the parameter were an instance of Test would result in the overridden method being called. So t3.equals(o1) would be the only case that would not print.

Overridden methods and dynamic binding

No. Overriden methods cannot be resolved at compile time. They are resolved during Runtime based on type of object.

InvokeVirtual is the Byte-code way of telling you that a method has been called.

Java Overloaded AND Overridden Methods

Since overloading and overriding both exist in this code, does that mean that it performed static binding at compile time (to the matching method in class A) and then dynamic binding at run time (to method in class B)

Right. The compiler chose the matching signature, and this is static, based on the type of the variable (A in this case).

At runtime, Java finds the implementation of the signature selected by the compiler. This is dynamic, based on the runtime class of obj3 (B, in this case).

Static binding and dynamic binding in Java

Trying to sum up discussion. Edit as required.

Static binding in Java occurs during Compile time while Dynamic binding occurs during Runtime.

At compile time, p1 and p2 both are types of Parent and Parent has doSmth(Object) method hence both lines binds to the same method.


During runtime, dynamic binding comes into picture.

p1 is instance of Child1 and Child1 has overridden doSmth(Object) hence the implementation from Child1 is used.

p2 is instance of Child2 and Child2 does NOT override doSmth(Object) hence the implementation of inherited method from Parent is called.

dynamic binding, overriding

When you are dealing with the word "static" in terms of a method or a variable, it refers that the method or a variable belong to the "class" and not its object.

When there is no object, there is no overriding.

In your class Base, you declared the main() method, in which you wrote the following statements.

Base base = new Sub();

Now, the reference variable type is Base and the object type is Sub. Since foo() is a static method it belongs to the class of which the reference variable is declared (i.e. Base).
Therefore, foo method of class Base is called.

Why method overloading is the best example of static binding in Java?

Method overloading is determined at compile time. The compiler decides, based on the compile time type of the parameters passed to a method call, which method having the given name should be invoked. Hence the static binding.

Method overriding is determined by the runtime type of an object. At runtime, the method that gets executed can be a method of some sub-class that wasn't even written when the code that makes the call was compiled. Hence the dynamic binding.

Binding in Java (overriding methods and fields)

The type of the variable is used to determine the class member that is accessed.

Therefore p1.x refers to the x field in Print1, not the one in Print2. (it would result in a compile time error, if you removed x from Print1.) The x field in Print2 is a different field, i.e. Print2 objects have 2 different int fields.

Also the print(B b) method is used in the expression p1.print(c) since Print1 doesn't have a method print(C c). (It would be a compile time error, if C wouldn't extend B or A.) Since Print2 overrides the implementation of Print1.print(B b), that implementation is used.

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