Java Creating a New Objectinputstream Blocks

Java Creating a new ObjectInputStream Blocks

When you construct an ObjectInputStream, in the constructor the class attempts to read a header that the associated ObjectOutputStream on the other end of the connection has written. It will not return until that header has been read. So if you are seeing the constructor 'hang', it's because the other side of the socket either hasn't used an ObjectOutputStream, or hasn't flushed the data yet.

new ObjectInputStream() blocks

You need to create the ObjectOutputStream before the ObjectInputStream at both sides of the connection(!). When the ObjectInputStream is created, it tries to read the object stream header from the InputStream. So if the ObjectOutputStream on the other side hasn't been created yet there is no object stream header to read, and it will block indefinitely.

Or phrased differently: If both sides first construct the ObjectInputStream, both will block trying to read the object stream header, which won't be written until the ObjectOutputStream has been created (on the other side of the line); which will never happen because both sides are blocked in the constructor of ObjectInputStream.

This can be inferred from the Javadoc of ObjectInputStream(InputStream in):

A serialization stream header is read from the stream and verified. This constructor will block until the corresponding ObjectOutputStream has written and flushed the header.

This is also described in section 3.6.2 of Fundamental networking in Java by Esmond Pitt.

new ObjectInputStream blocks despite flushing OutputStream

The line of code you indicate will block until the peer has created an ObjectOutputStream on its socket, or written something else to the socket (which will cause a StreamCorruptedException).

The program stops when the ObjectInputStream object is created

You essentially have a deadlock here. If you start the server first, it will start listening for connections on port 9998. When you then start the client, it makes a connection to the server. The server accepts the connection, and tries to create an ObjectInputStream. The ObjectInputStream constructor (and the server thread) will block until it can read a stream header from the client (which the client hasn't sent yet). So the server doesn't get to the point where it creates an ObjectOutputStream (which would cause data to be sent to the client).

Meanwhile the client is attempting to create an ObjectInputStream and will block because the server hasn't yet sent any data. The result is two threads blocked in the ObjectInputStream constructor.

The solution is quite simple - in the server, create the ObjectOutputStream first, then create the ObjectInputStream:

socket = new Socket("localhost", 9998);
output = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
input = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream());

ObjectInputStream blocks on initialization Sockets

Try call socket.getOutputStream() before getInputStream in server side code.


ObjectInputStream block my socket

Your client isn't constructing an ObjectOutputStream, so your ObjectInputStream constructor is blocking for reasons explained in the Javadoc.

Create ObjectInputStream according to a socket

The peer needs to create his ObjectOutputStream immediately on connection. Otherwise new ObjectInputStream will block until he does so.

It would be better if you could defer creation of the ObjectInputStream to the run() method of the thread that handles the accepted socket. You shouldn't do any I/O in the accept loop, just the accept itself. Otherwise you can block subsequent clients.

ObjectInputStream blocks forever during readObject()

You can't use multiple streams over the same socket in general. There are specific cases where it works but in general you're up against unknown buffering which will get your peers out of sync quick as a wink. Redo it with a single ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStreamat each end. If you only need to encrypt certain parts of the stream, look into SealedObject.

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